After a sold out premiere, UMEK takes his new B2B show to Ibiza and Ultra Europe

14th of March was a milestone for the Slovenian tech-house DJ. He partnered up with Coyu to launch his new UMEK B2B Coyu + 1605ers concept in Ambasada Gavioli, Slovenia.   The pair headlined the night with an amazing 3-hour set, where they prooved to the public why this is…continue reading

dogodki glasba

Cristian Varela celebrates the 15th anniversary of PORNOGRAPHIC RECORDINGS

The release presents unpublished works of fifteen artists, among the most representative of the 100 references published by their label.    The DJ, musician and producer Cristian Varela is recognized as the Best Dj of the World among other awards. He is now presenting the "Pornographic 15th Anniversary" accompanied by…continue reading


Razpis za slovenske izvajalce, ki bi želeli nastopiti na festivalu INmusic v Zagrebu

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Noctiferia nadaljuje promocijo petega studijskega albuma PAX, ki je zaradi odličnih kritik doma in v tujini ključ, s katerim si težkokategorni sekstet odpira vrata novim izzivom naproti. V tujini prepoznavni tudi zaradi odmevnih evropskih turnej, so za razliko od dosedanje prakse PAX najprej dodobra koncertno sfrizirali na domačih tleh. Vrhunec…continue reading

dogodki glasba

S.A.R.S. z novimi izdajami in koncertnimi napovedmi

Koncertni album »Mir i ljubav«, posnetek razprodanega zagrebškega koncerta iz Doma Sportova, v izdaji Dallas records in Lampshade Media, je v prodaji od 7. marca dalje! Napoveduje pa se že nova izdaja in vrsta nastopov tudi po Sloveniji! Koncert skupine S.A.R.S., ki je potekal 25.10.2014 v razprodanemu zagrebškemu Domu Sportova, je bil nedvomno…continue reading

dogodki glasba

JUNGE JUNGE sporoča pred svojim nastopom v Ljubljani:„Pripravite se na glasbeno potovanje“

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After a sold out premiere, UMEK takes his new B2B show to Ibiza and Ultra Europe

14th of March was a milestone for the Slovenian tech-house DJ. He partnered up with Coyu to launch his new UMEK B2B Coyu + 1605ers concept in Ambasada Gavioli, Slovenia.


The pair headlined the night with an amazing 3-hour set, where they prooved to the public why this is a dream combo. Add Tube & Berger, Dosem and Sebastien Leger from Umek's label 1605 and you get a recipe for an explosive night at the club.


Beta testing went well and fans will now be able to see the guys play in Space, where Carl Cox invited them to take over the Terazza floor on the 7th of July. Right after that, on the 10th, UMEK B2B Coyu + 1605ers will host a night in Giraffe club at Ultra Europe. The peaktime is after Ultra closes for the day (and after Umek closes his set on the Resistance stage the same day), so tickets are expected to go fast.


Check the video from the B2B premiere (