Fans will have plenty of opportunities to see two of the biggest acts in techno and tech house work together this year.
UMEK and Carl Cox played together at Ultra in Miami, in UMEK’s home country in May and recently at EDC Las Vegas. Just yesterday in packed Space,…
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Organizatorji, ki kontinuirano spremljajo in vplivajo na glasbene trende na tem območju, letos pripravljajo novo izdajo festivala, ki bo potekal od 1. do 3. avgusta. Letos bo Schengenfest največji doslej, s številnimi zanimivimi in slovitimi imeni, kot so Die Antwoord, Laibach, HIM, Morcheeba, 2CELLOS, Bajaga, Klangkarussell, Kanzyani in mnogi drugi.…
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Ugibanja in špekulacij je konec – klub Byblos se pospešeno pripravlja na prihajajočo sezono in bo poleti spet priljubljen cilj slovenskih žurerjev, ki so poleti tradicionalno najbolj množični obiskovalci tega kluba streljaj od slovenske meje.
Najprestižnejši veliki klub na severnem Jadranu se je v preteklosti redno uvrščal na lestvico DJ…
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Richie Hawtin announces the launch of ENTER.AV streaming live from Space Ibiza every Thursday from 9pm CET at The first live stream takes place this Thursday with acts including Richie Hawtin, Paco Osuna, Recondite, Tale Of Us, Maceo Plex, Ida Engberg, Bella Sarris and more. In addition, the ENTER.IBIZA 2014 CD is…
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Letošnje leto se kar polni z obletnicami največjih glasbenih festivalov – imena kot so Tomorrowland, Snowbombing, Time Warp ter Nature One so že ali pa še bodo praznovali okroglo število partyžurerjev, ki so predani takim dogodkom in ki se z veseljem predajo glasbenemu popotovanju. Prav Nature One bo letos počastil…
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Poletje v Bukowci - Lakeness sodi že nekaj let med najbolj prepoznavne poletne dogodke na Goriškem. Za razliko od ostalih primerljivih dogodkov se je razvil na osnovi mladinske iniciative in bil vedno vezan na velik vložek prostovoljnega dela vseh udeležencev v projektu. Po šestih uspešnih letih se festival poslavlja od…
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Ibiza season kicks off for UMEK
Fans will have plenty of opportunities to see two of the biggest acts in techno and tech house work together this year.
UMEK and Carl Cox played together at Ultra in Miami, in UMEK’s home country in May and recently at EDC Las Vegas. Just yesterday in packed Space, where Carl will host UMEK in his Music is Revolution nights, they announced their season in Ibiza.
UMEK confirmed five appearances on the island and he’s particularly looking forward to the last one. On the 9th of September he’ll completely take over the Terrace and carry out a night with his fellow 1605ers, featuring Sebastien Leger, Uto Karem and his protégé Mike Vale.
July and August are the busiest months for the Slovenian tech house doctor and he’ll wrap the summer up as he knows best – with his traditional charity event Party with a Cause in his hometown of Ljubljana.