The best European festivals, artists and promoters of 2010 were revealed at a sold out ceremony which took place at Groningen's Stadsschouwburg in The Netherlands, on the opening night of the 25th Anniversary edition of Eurosonic Noorderslag. Decided by a combination of public vote and industry…continue reading

Paul van Dyk presents VONYC Sessions 2010

      VONYC Sessions is more than a radio show. It's a weekly highlight, giving electronic dance music junkies their fix of quality music for over 6 years already. Hosted by internationally acclaimed DJ/producer Paul van Dyk, VONYC Sessions is an understanding that goes far beyond 2 hours of…continue reading


  Kanadska indi-rock senzacija Arcade Fire bo ena od nosilcev 12. festivala Exit, ki bo letos potekal od 7. do 10. julija na Petrovaradinski trdnjavi v Novem Sadu. Dance Arena, priljubljeno zbirališče pristašev elektronske glasbe, bo gostila enega najboljših svetovnih DJ-jev Tigo, starega prijatelja festivala Jamesa Zabielo in domačega hit-mejkerja mednarodnega kova, Gramophonedzie. Ljubitelji new-rave estetike pa bodo uživali…continue reading

Elvis Jackson ponovno na vrhu lestvice STOP POPS 20 in z veliko načrti za leto 2011

        Pričela se je predprodaja vstopnic za koncert na Mostovni v Novi Gorici   Elvis Jackson so tokrat novoletne praznike preživeli v družbi družin in najboljših prijateljev, vzeli so si čas zase, da se odpočijejo od napornega leta in koncertiranja ter obveznosti v letu 2010. Od izida…continue reading


Eden izmed najboljših producentov, remikserjev in dj-ev novega vala elektronske glasbe na svetu, BELTEK napoveduje zanimivo, izjemno produktivno ter polno novosti leto 2011. Preteklo leto je Beltek zaznamoval z uradnim remiksom singla skupine Faithless z naslovom Tweak Your Nipple, izidi svojih komadov Par, Eclipse in We Are Not Done Yet na najmočnejših založbah kot so Armada, Cr2 in Black Hole ter prvim mestom na Beatport.com lestvici najbolje prodajanih skladb s singlom Back In The Race.…continue reading


Lestvica Domačica vsak teden na dvajsetih mestih ponudi najboljše iz regije. Leto 2010 je tako postreglo s številnimi uspešnicami, prav tako pa na prestol dvignilo skupine in izvajalce, ki so v minulem letu polnili koncertna prizorišča.   Slovenske barve na lestvici zastopajo Leeloojamais, nominiranci za nagrado Best Adria Act, Gušti…continue reading


The best European festivals, artists and promoters of 2010 were revealed at a sold out ceremony which took place at Groningen's Stadsschouwburg in The Netherlands, on the opening night of the 25th Anniversary edition of Eurosonic Noorderslag. Decided by a combination of public vote and industry juries, Festival Awards Europe is the only event solely dedicated to recognising the contributions and achievements of the event organisers and performing artists that generate billions of Euros for local economies and brighten up the summer for tens of millions of festival-goers each year. More than 350,000 votes were cast by fans to decide the winners in the following categories: Best Major European Festival: Heineken Open'er Festival - Poland Best Medium-Sized European Festival: Electric Picnic Music & Arts Festival - Ireland Best Small European Festival: 5 Tauron Nowa Muzyka Festival - Poland Best New European Festival: Temple House Festival - Ireland Best Indoor Festival: Rolling Stone Weekender - Germany Best European Festival Line-Up: Oxegen - Ireland Best Newcomer: Florence and the Machine Best Headliner: Muse Festival Anthem of the Year: Muse - Uprising The following winners were chosen by an industry jury which included prominent journalists, booking agents, managers, artists and promoters: YOUROPE Green 'N' Clean Festival Of The Year: Boom Festival - Portugal Artist's Favourite European Festival: Melt! - Germany Virtual Festivals Europe presents Promoter Of The Year: Kilimanjaro/K2 Yourope Lifetime Achievement Award: Leif Skov Stefan Lehmkuhl from Melt Festival Germany was surprised to win the artist best festival award saying "It was the greatest honour" adding that "according to Noel Gallagher Melt Festival looks like the inside of Marylin Mansun's brain" Leif Skov, one of the pioneers of Denmark's Roskilde Festival was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award. In a moving and inspiring speech on receiving his award, he said: "People and music together can move mountains and change opinions. And through all of our work with our festivals we have invented and defined for the world a new set of values that lie above and beyond a standard set of values that can be measured." James Drury, MD of Festival Awards Ltd, which organises the Awards said: "With over 350,000 votes and a 37% increase in the number of events our second edition demonstrated the breadth and strength of feeling among fans and festivals across the continent. This was a great celebration of the world leading festival scene." Christof Huber, General Secretary YOUROPE commented "It was a major step forward from last year's awards. We are really looking forward to the next edition and are confident that they will continue to go from strength to strength." Performances on the night from Alice Gold, Laura Jansen and Ben L'Oncle Soul. http://eu.festivalawards.com/