Sander Kleinenberg - M.A.N.I.A.C

The pioneering Sander Kleinenberg returns with his latest offering 'M.A.N.I.A.C' on Little Mountain Recordings.   'M.A.N.I.A.C' sees the Dutch maestro revisit his love for spaced out progressive disco funk with this seven minute stormer. The track has been especially designed to pay homage to super-producer Georgio Moroder…continue reading

Experience Sands, Ibiza - Full July & August Line-ups

SANDS 2010 -   After an amazing first year, setting standards for effortless, cool beach time with delicious food, cocktails and music Sands has risen to the occasion once more with some inspired new moves for 2010.   A-life Japan has partnered up to provide a whole new cultural…continue reading

Sven Vathov 4urni nastop zažgal EXITed festival

  VELIKI SVEN VATH U ČETVEROSATNOM NASTUPU U KLUBU PAPAYA RASPLESAO OKO 4000 LJUDI NA PRVOM DANU Get EXITed FESTIVALA 02.07.2010. PAPAYA, OTOK PAG/NOVALJA U Novalji veæ sada se traži mjesto više u apartmanima, a popularnu plažu Zræe jučer je posjetilo više od 5000 mladih turista iz cijelog svijeta. Razlog…continue reading

Secret garden Rise Of The LEGEND

  Ekipa ELECTRIC SKONI se zahvaljuje vsem, ki so nas podpirali in nam pomagali pri organizaciji,izvedbi Partya, pred in na samem dogodku, vsem DJ-em, vsem ki so prisli in vsem ki so bili z svojimi mislimi z nami  Hvala, Vi ste nam omogčili da je bilo NORO, nepozabno in prekratko …continue reading


Tudi letos bo v tednu od nedelje 25. 7. do nedelje 1. 8. 2010 v Kopru potekal že 5. festival Festiko, katerega namen je kulturno popestriti poletje na slovenski obali. Festival bo obogatil različna prizorišča mesta Koper: Martinčev, Taverna, Koprsko kopališče, Pokrajinski muzej, Carpacciov trg in Pristaniško ulico. Vsebina programa…continue reading

Exit glasbena konferenca med 8. in 11. julijem

Exit in Tuborg letos organizirata prvo glasbeno konferenco, kjer bodo imeli mladi DJ-ji in producenti priložnost spoznati nastopajoče zvezde elektronske scene letošnjega festivala Exit. Programi bodo potekali na Petrovaradinski trdnjavi v posebno opremljenih prostorih, sodelujoči pa bodo izbrani preko natečaja na spletni strani   Mladi DJ-ji in producenti bodo…continue reading

Sander Kleinenberg - M.A.N.I.A.C

The pioneering Sander Kleinenberg returns with his latest offering 'M.A.N.I.A.C' on Little Mountain Recordings.


'M.A.N.I.A.C' sees the Dutch maestro revisit his love for spaced out progressive disco funk with this seven minute stormer. The track has been especially designed to pay homage to super-producer Georgio Moroder and all things Disco boasting a prominent Miami Vice style 80's bass hook, chugging funk guitars and screaming lead blasts. Sander says.''It's all fun and games, but the real challenge lies in shaping an original and optimistic future with the tried and tested ingredients of the past...''


'M.A.N.I.A.C' is the third single taken from Sander's forthcoming self-titled debut artist album '5K' to be released this September on Little Mountain Recordings. The album will mark another phase in Sander's already remarkable journey, teaming up with talents like Jamie Cullum, April, Kraak & Smaak, Jon Fugler, Ursula Rucker and many more.


Until September, Little Mountain Recordings will keep tickling clubland with superb remixes of Sander's album tracks combined with images from taken his remarkable video content used in his unparalleled DVJ shows.


'M.A.N.I.A.C' has already gained support from the likes of BBC Radio 1's Pete Tong, Sasha, Eric Prydz and many other A-listers setting this up to be a stand-out track of the summer which you'll be hearing at festivals, clubs and beaches near you!


Also, Sander will be holding a spectacular album launch party on September 9th at Pacha, Ibiza - An event not to be missed!