StellarBeat 2017: Mission One

StellarBeat 2017: Mission One

OPEN AIR Rogoza, Rogoza, Slovenija

Za označevanje pri dogodkih je potrebno biti prijavljen!

Stellar Arena: 
Fedde Le Grand / Valentino Kanzyani/ Pretty Pink / Mike Vale / MATRODA/ Tim Urbanya / Alex Ranerro / Tea Vuckovic / BluBird / CHRNS / Loudbeatz / Maynamic / Adonov / Ian Sound

Stellar Beach: 
David Temessi / Paolo Barbato / Crocy / Marko Lük / Jackie Dj aka Zero Absence / GabeeN / Venator / DJ Decadenzza / Dj TiLart / DJ Dado / Iernei / Toni Božanski 

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Dragi avanturisti, sanjači in prijatelji glasbe. Združimo se v juniju na Jezeru Rogoza. 

Misija Ena vas bo v enem vikendu popeljala med več kot 25 nadarjenih DJ-jev in vrhunec dosegla s svetovno super zvezdo. Njihov neverjeten talent bo poskrbel za intergalaktičen glasbeni festival, kakršnemu še nismo bili priča. V dveh poletnih nočeh bomo tako resnično občutili, da le enkrat živimo.

Na popotovanje se bomo podali v petek, 23., in se vrnili v nedeljo, 25. junija 2017, na akumulacijskem jezeru v Rogozi. Sam festival bo ponujal posebno glasbeno doživetje, ki se bo odvijalo na dveh odrih, gostil pa bo več kot 25 DJ-jev. 

Na festivalu bo tudi vrsta adrenalinskih aktivnosti namenjenih udeležencem, ki se bodo odvijale na plaži, kjer jih bo spremljala glasba iz dnevnega odra. 

Nad dnevnim dogajanjem se bo dvigovalo drugo prizorišče - ogromna ploščad, ki se bo vsak dan festivala, pozno popoldan, prelevila v areno, kjer se bodo spopadli velikani elektronske glasbe, ter navduševali več tisoč glavo množico vse do prvih jutranjih žarkov.

Za obiskovalce bo pripravljen tudi brezplačni kamp, ki ga je potrebno predhodno rezervirat na

Akumulacijsko jezero Rogoza, ali po domače ˝Šoder jama˝ nam nudi idealno kombinacijo vode in kopnega, ki ju povezujejo drevesa in grmičevje. Zahvaliti se moramo županu občine Hoče - Slivnica, ki je idejo za festival pozitivno sprejel, občina pa se je tudi odločila pristopiti kot partner projekta. Območje bo za uporabo festivala revitalizirano ter tako možno uporabiti večkrat letno za različne dogodke in aktivnosti. 

***Za vse mlade talente elektronske glasbe pripravljamo tudi poseben natečaj, kjer bo zmagovalcu ponujena priložnost nastopa na glavnem odru! Več info***

Skoči na to razburljivo vožnjo in bodi del zgodbe, kakršne še ni bilo pri nas.


First Explorer: SOLD OUT

Early Discoverer: SOLD OUT

Curious Adventurer: 25€

Samo za pogumne early bird-e! Vključuje oba festivalska dneva, kamping, parking in vse ostale aktivnosti na festivalu. Količina omejena!

Group Adventure #2 [Package]: 110€ 

5 prijateljev se odpravi na intergalaktično avanturo. Vključuje oba festivalska dneva, kamping, parking in vse ostale aktivnosti na festivalu, za posebno ceno! Prejmete eno vstopnico, katero natisnete 5 krat. Količina omejena!

VIP Table [Package]: 380€

Dvignjen in ekskluziven pogled na oder in festivalsko množico, z ločenim in hitrim vhodom na prizorišče! Vključuje mizo za 4 osebe za oba festivalska dneva & VIP Dobrodošlico (mini boat po izbiri). Prejmete eno vstopnico, katero natisnete 4 krat. Količina omejena!

*Karte vključujejo oba festivalska dneva, kamping, parkiranje in vse ostale aktivnosti, ki se bodo odvijale na prizorišču.* 

Zgrabi svojo vstopnico na ali na OMV Slovenija, Moja trafika 3DVA ter Bar Kaos!

Potrebna je predhodna rezervacija kampa na Rezervacija bo možna do zapolnitve kapacitet. 
Vstop na prizorišče bo dovoljen samo polnoletnim osebam. 

Pohitite, število kart je omejeno!

Dear adventurers, dreamers, friends of music. We unite in June on Lake Rogoza.

Mission One will lead you through a journey with more than twenty talented DJs and reach its climax with a global superstar. Their amazing talent will make for an unbelievable intergalactic music festival that is unprecedented, and in two summer nights, we will truly feel that we only live once.

We will embark on the journey on Friday 23rd and return on Sunday 25th in June 2017 on Lake Rogoza. The festival will offer a special musical experience, which will take place on two stages and will host more than 20 DJs.

In addition to music, the festival will offer exciting daily activities, which will take place on the beach and will be accompanied by the music from a special stage. There, all sorts of adrenaline activities will take place on land and in the water. 

Another site will rise above the camp - a huge field that will be transformed into an intergalactic arena where the giants of electronic music will face the enthusiastic crowd of several thousand people and take them on a journey until the first morning rays. 

A camping site will be offered to our visitors, free of cgarge, but with prior reservations at

The combination of water and land, connected by trees and shrubs in Lake Rogoza is a perfect combination for the event. We have to give thanks to the mayor of the municipality Hoče - Slivnica, who received our idea positively and decided the municipality will also join in as a partner of the project.

***For our local Dj talents, we are preparing a special contest, where the winner will have an amazing opportunity to play on the main stage! More information at***

Jump on this exciting journey and be a part of the story that has never before been written.


First Explorer: SOLD OUT

Early Discoverer: SOLD OUT

Curious Adventurer: 25€

Only for the brave early birds! Includes both festival days, camping, parking and all other activities on the festival. Limited quantity!

Group Adventure #2 [Package]: 110€ 

5 friends going on an intergalactic adventure. Includes both festival days, camping, parking and all other activities on the festival, for a special price. You get one ticket, which you print out 5 times. Limited quantity!

VIP Table [Package]: 380€

Exclusive view of the stage and the crowd, with a separated and fast entrance to the venue! Includes table for 4 for both Festival days & VIP Welcome drink (mini bottle of your choice). You get one ticket, which you print out 4 times. Limited quantity!

*Tickets include both festival days, camping, parking and all other activities that will take place at the venue.* 

Get your tickets now on or buy them at OMV Slovenija, Moja trafika 3DVA or Bar Kaos!

A prior reservation for the camp is necessary on Reservation may be possible until all the capacities are full. 
Persons under the age of 18 will not be permitted to enter the location.

Hurry number of tickets is limited!