REMIXES: SHUR-I-KAN & BLYNKY RELEASE DATE – NOVEMBER 17th 2008 LABEL - RMD RECORDINGS Just in time for the upcoming winter months, Skank Sinatra are back with their 2nd single 'Auto' and with them they bring in…beri dalje


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Just in time for the upcoming winter months, Skank Sinatra are back with their 2nd single 'Auto' and with them they bring in Freerange heavyweight Shur-i-kan & newcomers Blynky with some hot remixes to warm your cockles.

First up is Shur-i-kan’s remix and it oozes with squelchy basslines and smooth melodies… definitely one of those tracks that will compel you to keep pressing repeat on your system! Trust me! Retaining some of the original vocals, which give the track an edgier feel, Shur-i-kans take on the track is still full of soul. This is deep house at its best – sucking you into that groove and uplifting enough for peak-time clubbing. A really sexy track that’s just made for those dingy sweaty 3am moments… 

Blynky's mix is more stripped back and has immediate toe tapping grooves. This is one for you house-heads out there. A really fresh take on the original and the vocals take a back seat for this one. There is a skanky bassline throughout the track and a dubby and trippy vibe with a few cowbells thrown in for good measure.

It wouldn't be right if we didn't throw in the original too! Spiced Arab provides the vocal that is reminiscent of a young Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam) providing this lush rock-infused track which could very well be the bastard love-child of UNKLE, Ian Brown & Elbow with elements of Massive Attack thrown into the mix.

'Auto' is a prime example of how Skank Sinatra is firmly stamping their territorial mark on the emerging fusion of musical genres. Having already worked with the likes of Afro Celt Sound System to The Bays, the talented four piece that is Skank Sinatra brilliantly illustrate their ability to bridge this gap and are definitely ones to watch in 2009.