Unknown Dimension

Soft, Poljčane, Slovenia

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 -MINOX (house-you, Impulz, www.myspace.com/minoxdj)

Mladi, perspektivni in Slovencem dobro znan mariborski DJ »Minox«, je z aktivnim vrtenjem glasbe zacel leta 2004. Prvi vidnejši nastop je imel na open air party-ju »Born to be will« leta 2005. Med tem pa je vrtel glasbo kot resident DJ v klubu »6 in the city« v Grazu (Avstrija), kjer si je pridobil potrebne izkušnje. Sedaj pa spravlja na noge množice zabave željnih po party-jih, ki jih tudi sam organizira. Na teh eventih gosti uveljavljena imena elektronske glasbe. Možnost pa daje tudi mladim perspektivnim in neuveljavljenim DJ-em. Vrtel je v vecini slovenskih klubov ter vecjih festivalih z znanimi slovenskimi in tudi tujimi Dj-i kot so; Sharam - Deep Dish, Umek, Oxia, Mombotica, Paolo Barbato, Belloca, Kid Dub, Angel Anx, Aleksij, Electrixx, Crazy Lemon, Eddie F, Sylvain, Mike Vale, itd…
Gostoval pa je tudi na hrvaškem, kjer je navdušil s svojim izborom glasbe in tehniko. Zacel se je tudi ukvarjati s produkcijo glasbe, v kratkem pa bomo lahko slišali njegovo delo, katero vas zagotovo ne bo pustilo ravnodušno. Trenutno ga je mogoce najpogosteje slišati in videti v Clubu Impulz, kjer je rezidenco prevzel leta 2006.

-DEXTER & J.DE aka D'Janitors (homegrown crew, www.myspace.com/djanitors)
- J.De is behind decks from the previous century. He organized and performed on many parties across the country, where he always left good impressions. Lately he works more on his producing skills and is involved in different projects in homeland and abroad.
- Dexter is well known dj in his local area for eight years now. As he gained experience behind decks, his pasion for music grew even bigger. In the year 2004 he started to organize parties with Homegrown crew where he first performed with J.De.

-TRICKY D (homegrown crew, www.myspace.com/dj_trickyd)         

I met with electronic music  when I was 18 years old.  I quickly realized that this is what I want to do and so I bought my first equipment. At first I  played more harder rhythms (Techno, Hard Techno), but after a few years, I discovered my true love TECH-HOUSE. Together with friends, we joined in the Homegrown Crew, and began to rearrange our own partyes (Soft Club, Lake Farovec, Atlantida,Pool Party,...).

Mostly I  play Tech-House, however, never limit your style to just one or a few genres, because you have to be always prepeared for something new, Looking forward to the audience and listen that the music is not too monotone. I already played in various clubs: Club Casablanca, Impulse Club, Music Hall Banja Luka(BIH), Club Africa, Club Soft, Festival Dan Ljubezni @ Lake Farovec, KREŠ Slovenska Bistrica, Pool Party, Orange Pub, Club Atlantida, and a few private parties.


2009-05-10 20:46:23
Minox je še posebej znan uporabnikom oz. èlanom Technation-a...Torej udeležba skoraj potrjena.