Sredine etno bizarnice: Japonska/ Harajuku night

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Tokrat se bomo spustili v bizarni svet visual-kei scene. Gre za japonski odgovor na glam rock, ki androginosti Davida Bowieja in grotesknosti Marilyna Mansona doda še prvine tradicionalnega plesa kabuki, pravljièni svet Alice v èudežni deželi in gotske krinoline. Vse to se pri visual-kei glasbi združuje v spektakularno kombinacijo, s kakršno nam lahko postrežejo le iz dežele vzhajajoèega sonca.
Ogledali si bomo videospote in zabavne posnetke glavnih protagonistov žanra.

This time we'll take a look at Japan's bizarre visual-kei scene. Visual-kei is the Japanese answer to glam rock, which combines the androgyny of David Bowie and the grotesque of Marilyn Manson with elements of traditional kabuki dance, Alice in Wonderland, and gothic costumes. All this makes it a truly unique spectacle, that couldn't come from anywhere else but The Land of the Rising Sun.
We'll watch music videos and fun clips of some of the genre's main protagonists.

2009-06-28 15:01:45
mislim da je 8.7. in  ne 8.8.? da ne bo prišlo do pomote.