Hip hop goes pop

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Rola: Selektor Hiphophonder

Še pomnite pop hiphop, hiphop pop ali kakorkoli bi že temu lahko rekli? Gre za MTV hite, poveèini iz 90', mnogokrat deležnih smeha in prezira. Tokrat jih bomo pomešali z globalnimi rap hiti, s katerimi so izvajalci zadeli tudi ostalo, nerapersko poslušalstvo. Prerez skoraj vseh pop rap hitièev, ki ste se jim smejali, ob njih rasli in se vam zdijo nostalgièni, boste doživeli v zajebantski petkovi raperski ediciji, kjer boste lahko slišali mešanico raperskih “one hit wonderjev”, hitov, ki so jih ustvarili globalni mediji, prepoznavnih komadov velikih hiphop imen ter nekaj povsem rapersko nedovršenih oz. nesposobnih raperjev!

Can you still remember hiphop pop, pop hiphop or how was it called again? We're talking about the 90s MTV hits, that were often laughed at by the hiphop community, but managed to bring rap music to a wider, more mainstream audience. This retrospective of the nostalgic pop rap hits that you grew up with will be a laughable experience, mixing hiphop's 'one hit wonders', media created global hits, classic songs from established hihop artists, and some hilarious attempts from musically incompetent rappers.

MC Hammer, House Of Pain, Vanilla Ice, Cypress Hill, Kris Kross, Skee-Lo, Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, Snow, Heavy D & The Boyz, L.L. Cool J., 2Pac, Jurassic 5, Ice-T, Tag Team, Coolio, Luniz, Ice Cube, 3’Rd Bass, Dr. Dre, Die Fantastischen Vier, 2 Live Crew, Arrested Development, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Fugees, K7, Naughty By Nature, N.W.A., Money Love, De La Soul, Warren G, Method Man, Run-D.M.C....