Rapetek; Prince Paul pre-party

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Gala hala že dobra štiri leta vsak zadnjih petek v mesecu pripravlja raznovrste hiphop dogodke, združene pod imenom RAPETEK. Septembra se obeta že 50. ponovitev, ki jo bosta oplemenitili dve velièini svetovnega hiphopa – Prince Paul in Freddie Foxxx alias Bumpy Knuckles. Prince Paul je eden izmed najbolj kreativnih oseb v zgodovini hiphopa, glasbeni producent vseh mogoèih žanrov, možgan, ki je med obilico svojih idej uspel posneti filmsko glasbo za film, ki ga nikoli ni bilo (“Prince Among Thieves”). Izmislil si je “horror hiphop“ ter “skit”, ki danes krasi skoraj vsako rapersko plošèo. Velecenjeno ime svetovnega hiphopa, producent in odlièen DJ Prince Paul, sicer producent prvih treh legendarnih plošè trojca De La Soul, Stetsasonicov, 3’Rd Bass, Big Daddy Kana, Chrisa Rocka, Mc Paula Barmana, Dela the Funky Homosapiena idr in kreativni oèe projektov Handsome Boy Modeling School (z Danom The Automatorjem), temaènih Gravediggazov, Baby Elephant (z Berniejem Worrellom), lastnega multižanrskega projekta “Psychoanalysis” in prvoborec založbe WordSound, bo v Ljubljano prišel v spremstvu Freddieja Foxxxa, raperja, ki je ob neštetih sodelovanjih svojo prvo plošèo izdal že leta 1989. Kasneje se je pridružil ekipi Flavor Unit, delujoèi pod budnim oèesom gospodiène Queen Latifah. Foxxxova sodelovanja s Krs-Onom oz. Boogie Down Productions, De La Soul, Koolom Keithom, MF Doomom, Kool G. Rapom, Naughty By Nature, M.o.P.-jema, O.C.-jem, Almighty R.S.O., Blaqom Poetom, Timom Dogom ter velikimi producentskimi imeni, kot so Dj Premier, Pete Rock, Alchemist in drugi, so njegov agresivni stil rapanja oplemenitila na albumu Industry Shakedown iz leta 2000. Višek kariere je doživel kot gost dvojca Gang Starr, na njunem albumu “Moment Of Truth”, kjer je sodeloval pri izjemni kompoziciji “The Militia”. Freddie in Prince v Ljubljano prihajata 25. septembra!

For more than 4 years in a row, club Gala hala has been organizing diverse hiphop events under the name RAPETEK. This fall the event will see it's 50th edition, with hiphop legends Prince Paul and Freddie Foxxx. Prince Paul is easily one of the most creative people in hiphop history. He has produced almost every possible genre, made the soundtrack for a non-existing film ("Prince Among Theives"), created "horror hiphop", and invented the skit, which is present on almost all of todays rap albums. In addition to being an excellent DJ, he is the producer of the first three De La Soul albums, Stetsasonics, 3'Rd Bass, Big Daddy Kane, Chris Rock, Mc Paul Barman, Del the Funky Homosapien etc., and is the creative leader behind projects such as Handsome Boy Modeling School (with Dan the Automator), Gravediggaz, Baby Elephant (with Bernie Worrell) , and his own genre-breaking project "Psychoanalysis". The frontline representative of the record label WordSound will come to Ljubljana with rapper Freddie Foxxx, who released his first record in 1989 and has done countless collaborations ever since. He was a member of Queen Latifah's protegees Flavor Unit, worked with Krs-One and his Boogie Down Productions, De La Soul, Kool Kieth, MF Doom, Kool G. Rap, Naughty by Nature, M.O.P., O.C.,and many others. Together with his aggressive rapping style, some of hiphop's top producers such as Dj Premier,Pete Rock and Alchemist helped make his „Industry Shakedown“ from the year 2000 a classic album, while the highlight of his career is perhaps his featuring on Gang Starr's „The Militia“. Freddie and Prince will be coming to Ljubljana on the 25th of september.