PAPSTEC on Boat, Ladja Burja- Portorož, 24.7.2009

ladja Burja, Portorož, Slovenia

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PAPSTEC on Boat, Ladja Burja- Portorož, 24.7.2009

Line up:



warm up:


Papstec records je elektronska založba, ki je nastala leta 2007. V tem èasu je zabeležila veliko pomembnih izdaj, ki so dosegala najvišja mesta na lestvicah v svetu elektronike. Glasbeni stil založbe obsega širok spekter elektronike in sicer se izdaja glasba razliènih žanrov, od mešanic Techna, House-a, Electro, progressive in drugih zvrsti elektronike. Mnogo komadov je bilo izdanih na pomembnih kompilacijah na založbah, kot so: Time Rec., Source rec., Operating System in mnogih drugih. Tokrat se bo PAPSTEC Records s serijo svojih eventov predstavil na ladji BURJA v Portorožu, kjer bosta za plesne ritme poskrbela vodilna artista založbe PAPSTEC Records in sicer; DJ ROYCE in MATT EYE, plesišèe bo ogreval DJ MARTIN P.


PAPSTEC records is independent record label, established in 2007 with residency in SLOVENIA. PAPSTEC records is a music brand which was created for one and only reason - To connect people and give them a chance to follow our way of thinking, that expresses thrue the music that our artists create. We are always available for new electronic projects, regarding fresh and innovative sound, thats why we invite all artists to send us their work,... PAPSTEC records has a short but interesting history. From 2007 till now many things happened, that brought PAPSTEC records bigger and bigger recognition in Electronic music business. With carefull selection of music and mixture of different styles - from Techno & House to Electro and Minimalistic sounds, we could say, that we succeded to confirm PAPSTEC records as a serious music label with vision and own definition of sound. Releases from PAPSTEC Records are constantly selected for many compilations on labels, like; SOURCE REC., OPERATING SYSTEM, TIME REC,..etc.. Also A lot of our releases hits top sellers charts on almost all important shops worldwide...

Dj's and producers from Papstec Records will be playing this summer on Slovenian coast at Portorož.

Make sure you will be there!


Ladja Burja, start@ 18.00h
Entry: 5 Eur