Spin, Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenia

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Društvo Next Level predstavlja: NEXT LEVEL OPEN AIR TECHNO PARTY
29. Avgust 2009 @ Rokometno igrišèe pri o.š. Prežihovega Voranca
Next Level OpenAir Techno Party

Društvo za razvoj in promocijo elektronske glasbe Next Level, za konec poletja v okviru "Ravenskih dnevov 2009", organizira za vse ljubitelje elektronske glasbe brezplaèen 12 urni Open Air glasbeni dogodek - Next Level Open Air Techno Party.

Dogodek se bo odvijal v soboto, dne 29.8.2009, od 16:00h do 04:00h, na rokometnem igrišèu, pri o.š. Prežihovega Voranca, na Ravnah na Koroškem.

Dogajanje bomo popestrili z light in laser showom, za prijeten ambient pa bodo poskrbele go-go plesalke ter hostese.

Od 16:00h do 20:00h se boste lahk zabavali ob mehkejših poletnih zvokih elektronske glasbe - PAPAYA sound`s with Laki Maki & Next Level DJ`s.

Z warm-upom bo nadaljeval DJ Redok, ki bo dvignil tempo ter pripravil obiskovalce na Next Level DJ-je.


Razmigali vas bodo:



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 It has been always clear to Kim that music was her destination. She was brought up surrounded by classical music and played violin herself, until at some point she felt she had enough...  and began broading her horizons by exploring other musical genres. Eventually, she encountered herself fascinated by electronic music and soon afterwards found out that listening to it just couldn't be enough. She wanted more: to manipulate it. Attending a short course about the basics of mixing in the middle of 2002, she was shown how the thing works and having seen it, a decision was made. Piece by piece she started buying herself the equipment, practicing and mixing at private parties. At the time she spinned commercial dance music. However, this music became less and less what she wanted to indulge in, so another decision had to be made. Due to her broad spectrum of musical liking, this one was not easy. She managed to find herself in techno. In 2005 she performed spinning techno publicly for the first time. She doesn't like defining – limiting her style too much, using everything pleasurable to her ears, although admitting to the addiction to percussive and driving sounds. Apart from mixing she has also been working on some other projects (of no lesser importance to her), using the potential of her vocal folds.



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He was affected by growing up in Switzerland. It was there, where he first met with trance music and became enraptured by it. He also played synths himself. At sixteen he moved to Slovenia and began mixing, with which he had been introduced by a swiss friend. His style evolved from trance, continued into hard techno and schranz but later turned to »classical techno«, as he would call it. The first techno cd he listened to was Umek, he has also been fond of Ben Long and generally of djs to whose specific way of mixing he gets drawn to. He is persistent in his musical taste and does not let himself get influenced by external factors such as momentary trends, general agreeableness and acceptability. He respects a great deal of artists, yet tries not to resemble anyone. A guy, definetly worth hearing while absorbed in music as his mixes always tell a story and never lack concept.



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 Being a soldier is his way of life, but when the sun goes down LYTEO becomes a techno/techtrance DJ, living in the northern part of Slovenia. His musical career started way back in 2001, when Lyteo's life was all about trance. During all that time from the beginning he knew, that his sound is missing something...through the time, he realized, that stuff he had been playing was short on drive and energy. Somewhere @ the end of 2005, he felt in love with techtrance, the harder and more energetic side of trance. Now his mixes are a driving blend of techtrance & techno and this mixture truly defines what Lyteo is all about...

In 2006, he made a step forward by incorporating Ableton Live in his performance. The power of making loops, cutting vocals and doing mashups on the fly really enslaved him, as he is slowly taking his Ableton experience to the next level... With his unique sound, he participated in the Electronic Music Performance Competition 2007 @ Koprska noè, at the end became the winner of SDJF EMPC 4... On december 2008, LYTEO became one of the winners of the Transatlantic DJ Contest on Transatlantic Radio Show, hosted by one of the world's techno superstars, DJ Preach. Set was played on DI.FM and many other radios. Lyteo's mashups are now being supported by some well established international deejays and producers, Bryan Kearney, Greg Downey and Reaky, to name just few..but this is just not where Lyteo stops...



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2009-08-28 21:16:53
Zaradi tehniènih težav smo zaèetek eventa prestavili na 18.00h.
V primeru moènega naliva èez dan, se prireditev zaène kasneje.

Najavljamo še line-up za jutrišnji dogodek:

20:00 - 22:00 Redok
22:00 - 23:00 Greg Coleman
23:00 - 24:00 Felix
00:00 - 01:00 Kim
01:00 - 02:00 Tom Cidyx
02:00 - 03:00 Lyteo
03:00 - ??:?? Fort Knox

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