Channel Zero, Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Belgijski noisersko/rockerski duo PETULA CLARCK ima za seboj že kar nekaj EP izdaj ter album z imenom AYE-AYE-AYE. Sami o sebi pravijo takole: " Boum boum bang dang. The two of us devoured stupid animals. We are the music of their last scream. Back to basic. Cut your ears in points. Show us your teeth. Give us love advices. It's not just about music... It's about spontaneousness and fulgurance! To approach with nearest to its instincts. No cheating. Petula Clarck, are songs created over the moment, without final improvement, spontaneous. The duet trash plays, invents, and serves its emotions on sharp such of the polaroids."

Domaèi FORTASTE so experimentalni fusion rock trio katerih korenine ustvarjanja izhajajo iz dedišèine bendov kot so Primus, NoMeansNo, Black Flag...