The Carneval of Techno - Next Level party z DJ-ji: Flis, Baly, Kim, Tom Cidyx, Felix, ...

Rožmarin Ravne na Koroškem, Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenia

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The Carneval of Techno

12/02/2010 @ Direkt, Ravne na Koroškem

 The Carneval of Techno @ Direkt Night club, Ravne na Koroškem - 12/02/2010The Carneval of Techno @ Direkt Night club, Ravne na Koroškem - 12/02/2010

Društvo Next Level sezono 2010 zaèenja s sedaj že tradicionalnim (pred)pustnim rajanjem, letos pod imenom The Carneval of Techno. Dogodek se bo odvil na pustni petek, dne 12.2.2010 v prenovljenem klubu Direkt na Ravnah na Koroškem.

Tokrat smo v goste povabili vsem dobro poznanega štajerskega techno maèka DJ Flis-a, ki je znan po svojih dinamiènih  funky Techno setih, kateri poslušalca pripeljejo do eksplozivnega vrhunca. Iz Maribora smo povabili tudi našega èlan DJ Baly-ja, kateri s svojimi izdajami vse bolj kroji sodobno Techno sceno. Omenjena DJ-ja in ostali, že dobro poznani artisti Društva Next Level, vam bodo tako prièarali pravo pustno–elektronsko vzdušje. Pridite in se zabavajte z ekipo Next Level tudi vi.

DJ Flis


Njegovo navdušenje nad elektronsko glasbo se je rodilo z obiskom enega od prvih techno partyjev leta 1994. Leta 1997 se je odloèil za nakup prvih plošè in od takrat izboljšuje tehniko vrtenja ter nadgrajuje svoj stil, s katerim vedno poskuša narediti dober party. V svoji karieri se je vedno potrudil ustvariti popoln, edinstveni "sound". Do sedaj je nastopal po državah kot so Avstrija, Hrvaška, Poljska, èeska, Italija, Bosna in Hercegovina ter seveda Slovenija. Karakteristike njegovega seta so dinamièni ritmi podkrepljeni z moènimi basslinijami, ki se stopnjujejo do eksplozivnih vrhuncev. Ti ritmi so povezani z razliènimi funky in predvsem driving zvoki, ki skrbijo, da vzdušje na plesišèu nikoli ne ugasne. Podoben sound želi ustvariti tudi v svoji lastni produkciji v kateri vidi prihodnost svoje nadaljne kariere.




(Work Hard Play Hard, Keep on Techno, Disturbulence records, Next Level)

Slovenian virtuoso Dj Baly started deejaying in the and 2004 in order to express his love to electronic music. He saw a great opportunity to introduce himself in a slovenian DJ contest- SYLD. A contest was a success because he managed to get to semi-finals. Reactions of audiences on different forums were surprisingly good. In year 2006 he was accepted in the competition in Koper- SDJF, where he was on a very good forth place. In March 2007 he has won the slovenian “Technotalents”comp etition. His speciality is tribal funky techno with marvelous base lines and melodies. In a year 2005 he started to concentrate on his own production in order to express the passion for electronic music. He’s main aim to release tracks was achieved in the beginning of year 2009, when he has released his first EP "My World" on Canadian Prozak Records. Just a couple of months later in the end of 2009 he incredibly "exploed" with the "Obssesion EP" released on one of the most admitted records - Work Hard Play Hard Records. His large track "Break The Show" managed right to the TOP 1 of Trackitdown Top 100 Techno Tracks!! He is currently also waiting for couple of upcoming releases. In the future he expects to improve and enforce himself in producing and deejaing on techno scene even more. WARNING: Big charisma behind the decks! 



(Next Level, KUD Technologija)

It has been always clear to Kim that music was her destination. She was brought up surrounded by classical music and played violin herself, until at some point she felt she had enough...  and began broading her horizons by exploring other musical genres. Eventually, she encountered herself fascinated by electronic music and soon afterwards found out that listening to it just couldn't be enough. She wanted more: to manipulate it. Attending a short course about the basics of mixing in the middle of 2002, she was shown how the thing works and having seen it, a decision was made. Piece by piece she started buying herself the equipment, practicing and mixing at private parties. At the time she spinned commercial dance music. However, this music became less and less what she wanted to indulge in, so another decision had to be made. Due to her broad spectrum of musical liking, this one was not easy. She managed to find herself in techno. In 2005 she performed spinning techno publicly for the first time. She doesn't like defining – limiting her style too much, using everything pleasurable to her ears, although admitting to the addiction to percussive and driving sounds. Apart from mixing she has also been working on some other projects (of no lesser importance to her), using the potential of her vocal folds.

Tom Cidyx  

Tom Cidyx

(Next Level)

He was affected by growing up in Switzerland. It was there, where he first met with trance music and became enraptured by it. He also played synths himself. At sixteen he moved to Slovenia and began mixing, with which he had been introduced by a swiss friend. His style evolved from trance, continued into hard techno and schranz but later turned to »classical techno«, as he would call it. The first techno cd he listened to was Umek, he has also been fond of Ben Long and generally of djs to whose specific way of mixing he gets drawn to. He is persistent in his musical taste and does not let himself get influenced by external factors such as momentary trends, general agreeableness and acceptability. He respects a great deal of artists, yet tries not to resemble anyone. A guy, definetly worth hearing while absorbed in music as his mixes always tell a story and never lack concept.


DJ Felix  


(Next Level, Vipnox)

Matjaž Škafar aka Dj Felix prihaja s Koroške, natanèneje z Raven na Koroškem. Z glasbo se je zaèel ukvarjat že v mladosti, igral flavto in klavir, nad elektronsko glasbo pa se je navdušil davnega leta 1995, ko je zaèel obiskovati partyje v Celju. Z nakupom gramofonov je odlašal vse do leta 2003, ko je uvidel, da bi tudi on lahko postal vodja igajoèih mas PARTYzanov (kot jim sam pravi). Svoj pravi pohod na elektronsko sceno je zaèel v legendarnem celjskem klubu Cassablanca, ko je s prijateljem in sošolcem Markom Kremžarjem (Mark Cream) ustvarjal nepozabno atmosfero ... Nastopil je tudi na nekaj DJ-tekmovanjih, kjer se je odlièno odrezal - zmagal je na tekmovanju DANCE FLOOR in prišel v polfinale SYLD. Karakteristike njegovega seta so dinamièni ritmi podkrepljeni z moènimi bas linijami, ki se topnjujejo do eksplozivnih funky vrhuncev. Ti ritmi so povezani z razliènimi funky in predvsem driving zvoki, ki skrbijo, da vzdušje na plesišèu nikoli ne ugasne in da se stopnjuje do prave evforije - to velja za techno sete, kot tudi za njegovo novo zvrst progressiv.



 Laki Maki

(Next Level)

DJ Pero aka Ten/Ten 

 Pero aka. Ten/Ten

2010-02-12 18:43:05
Znani so dobitniki brezplaène vstopnice za današnji event: The Carneval of Techno. Za veè informacij obišèite
2010-02-07 16:48:51
Za vse ki vam bo noè prekratka smo organizirali še uradni Next Level after party v Localu (Ravne na Koroškem). Za veè informacij spremljajte