KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Torul(SLO)- vokalni electro pop koncert / vocal electro pop concert.

TORUL je eden pionirskih producentov klubske elektronske glasbe vseh možnih stilov na naših tleh, ki je letos po veè kot desetletju izdajanja poveèini klubske glasbe pri evropskih založbah (kot so Force Inc, Thule Music, Low Spirit in druge) izdal vokalni alter-electro-pop album "Dark Matters". Album je nastajal poèasi, saj je poleg bogate glasbene palete izvornih stilov tudi vsebinsko premišljen in ekspresionistièno naravnan, lirika pa subtilno razkriva del osebnih zgodb in stanj ali komentarjev na stvari, ki jih je avtor v zadnjem èasu doživljal.

Zvok albuma "Dark Matters" v nièemer ni podoben slovenski produkcijski projekciji popa in rocka, temveè deluje samosvoje. Namesto ponesreèenega spominjanja na zvoke 80-ih njihove elemente Torul uporablja odkrito in z nadgradnjo, saj je bila prav takrat postavljena bolj melanholièna pop melodika in prizvok. Veèino vokala na albumu je prispeval M. Šedlbauer - Shedy, sodelovali pa so tudi ostali glasbeniki, med drugimi Peter Penko.
Torul bo na Trnfestu svojo koncertno izvedbo albuma predstavil v trièlanski zasedbi.

TORUL is one of the pioneering producers of club electronic music of all possible styles here in Slovenia, and this year, after more than a decade producing for the most part club music with European record companies (such as Force Inc, Thule Music and Low Spirit) they brought out the vocal alter-electro-pop album "Dark Matters". The album was put together slowly, and features alongside the rich musical range of original styles carefully considered content with an expressionist orientation, the lyrics subtly revealing part of personal stories and situations or commentaries on things experienced recently by the composer.
The sound of the album "Dark Matters" is in no way similar to the Slovenian producer projection of pop and rock, and works in its own way. Instead of delving into sorry reminiscences of 80s sounds, Torul uses elements of them openly and enhances them, for it was then that the more melancholy pop melody and texture were established. Most of the vocals on the album have been provided by M. Šedlbauer - Shedy, while other musicians contributed, including Peter Penko.
At Trnfest, Torul will perform their concert version of the album as a three-member group.

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Dublab Crew

DJ program v dvorani - Dublab Crew. Dubbing is a must!

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