KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Štefka in Poldka 
Štefka in Poldka 2

Nadaljevanje divje senior komedije Štefka in Poldka (SLO) / the wild senior citizen comedy continues.

V drugem delu bosta Štefka in Poldka ponovno dokazali, da je starost lahko bolj zabavna, kot si ponavadi predstavljamo. Simpatièni upokojenki ostajata radovedni in polni življenja. Èeprav se svet nenehno spreminja, njun vsakdanjik ostaja enak. Èas si krajšata s pogovori o aktualnih temah in èudesih, ki sta jih prebrali v dnevnem èasopisju. Njuna življenja tokrat razburkajo gospodarska kriza, Marko Vozelj in nezaželen hladilnik. Vsekakor priložnost, da se z likoma še enkrat spustimo v divji krog smeha, zabave in simpatiènih problemov, ki jih na koncu vedno reši zdrava pamet in štamperle domaèega šnopca.

Zasnova likov in igra : Alenka Mariniè in Urška Mlakar
Scenarij: Jure Karas
Režija: Jan Zakonjšek
Glasba: Jure Karas
Kostumi: Jana Èoh
Luèi: Uroš Žuraj
Tehnièna pomoè: Drago Zadnikar
Produkcija: KUD France Prešeren
Koproducent: Bimbo Teater

In part two, Štefka and Poldka will again show how old age can be more fun than we usually imagine. The sweet pensioners are still curious and full of life. Although the world around them is constantly changing, their everyday life remains the same. They pass the time talking about current topics and marvels they read about in the newspapers. At this point their lives are being stirred up by the economic crisis, Marko Vozelj and an undesired refrigerator. Naturally an opportunity once again to join these characters in a wild round of laughter, fun and well-loved problems, which are ultimately always solved by common sense and a shot of home-made schnapps.

Conceived and performed by: Alenka Mariniè and Urška Mlakar
Script: Jure Karas
Direction: Jan Zakonjšek
Music: Jure Karas
Costumes: Jana Èoh
Lighting: Uroš Žuraj
Technical assistance: Drago Zadnikar
Produced by: KUD France Prešeren
Coproducer: Bimbo Teater

Vstopnine ni!
Dado, W.G.

DJ program v dvorani - Dado (Code.EP), W.G. (My Hell Jackson) - Breakbeat.

Vstopnine ni!