KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Emashie (CH / ITA / BRA / CL / ZW) – world music koncert.

Skupino Emashie sestavlja osem glasbenikov, ki prihajajo iz razliènih glasbenih okolj in zato skupaj tvorijo poseben Afro soul, ki èrpa navdih iz latina, afriske ritmiène glasbe, funka, reggaeja in soula. Emashie igrajo na veè perkusij in uporabljajo tradicionalne inštrumente iz Afrike, Brazilije in Kube. Tudi v jungle ritmih lahko v polni meri doživimo moè ritma in zmes tradicionalne afriške ritmiène glasbe in funky popa, ob kateri nas zasrbijo pete in zaèutimo duhovno moè Afrike.

The group Emashie comprises eight musicians from various musical backgrounds, and together they create a special Afro soul that draws inspiration from Latin and African rhythms, funk, reggae and soul. Emashie provides a variety of percussion sounds, playing traditional instruments from Africa, Brazil and Cuba. In the jungle rhythms you can immerse yourself in the power of the beat and the fusion of traditional African rhythmic music and funky pop, at which point your feet start moving and you sense the spiritual power of Africa.

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SL, KME, Sunneh

DJ program v dvorani: SL (Junglistz/UK), KME(Junglistz/UK), Sunneh (!!), Danaja(DrumWise) - Oldskool Hardcore/ Drum'n'bass/ Dubstep.

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