KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Bernays Propaganda

Bernay’s Propaganda (MK) – postpunk disco koncert.

Makedonsko zasedbo Bernay's Propaganda zaznamujejo angažirana, radikalna besedila, podložena z razgibano plesno ritmiko, lahkotne kitare in fascinanten vokal Kristine Gorevske. Zasedba je zrasla na pogorišèu ugledne skopske hardcore punk scene in s prvencem Happiness Machines na glasbeno sceno bivše juge prinesla veliko mero svežine v svoji diskoidni post punk zgibanki.

The Macedonian group Bernay's Propaganda is marked by socially committed, radical lyrics laid down on upbeat dance rhythms and easy guitar licks, and by the fascinating vocals of Kristina Gorevska. The group rose from the ashes of the distinguished Skopje hardcore punk scene, and their debut album Happiness Machines brought to the music scene of the former Yugoslavia a large dose of freshness in its disco-like postpunk formulation.

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Impro liga 
MAESTRO Trnfesta

Impro liga (SLO): Maestro Trnfesta - improvizacijsko gledališèe improvisation theatre

Na Trnfestu se bo domaèa Impro liga predstavila s tekmovanjem Maestro Trnfesta, kjer se bodo za prestižno lovoriko najboljšega improvizatorja veèera potegovali eni izmed najboljših improvizatorjev minule sezone.

Impro liga je že vse od leta 1993 ime za združenje gledaliških improvizatorjev z vse Slovenije. Predstave, ki jih uprizarjajo, so vedno inovativne in predvsem unikatne. Temelje za odigrane prizore namreè podajo gledalci s svojimi predlogi, ki jih morajo nato improvizatorji vplesti v dogajanje na odru.

The local Impro liga (comedy impro league) will take to the Trnfest stage with its competition Maestro Trnfesta (Maestro of Trnfest), in which some of the best impro performers of the past season will compete for the prestigious laurel of best improviser of the evening. Ever since 1993, the Impro liga has been the byword for bringing together improvisation performers from all over Slovenia. The performances they put together are always innovative and most importantly, one of a kind. The scenes acted out are based on audience suggestions, which the improvisers must then incorporate into the action on the stage.

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