KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Koncert benda Sopot (BiH) – fuzija etna, sevdahbluesa in sodobne tehologije (dub, dubstep, drum&bass, reggae) koncert / fusion of world music, Balkan “sevdah” blues and modern technology (dub, dubstep,drum&bass, reggae) concert.

Fuzija etna, sevdahbluesa in sodobne tehnologije (dub, dubstep, drum&bass, reggae). Balkansko prostranstvo s svojimi naravnimi bogastvi, mešanjem razliènih kultur in narodov je mnogim balkanskim, pa tudi svetovnim avtorjem, vedno služilo kot nepresahljiv izvor inspiracije za umetniško ustvarjanje glasbe, gledališèa, filma, poezije in proze.

Sopot, ki v staroslovanskem jeziku pomeni izvor, je od leta 2005 avtorski glasbeni projekt umetnika Petra Topaloviæa, ki v sodelovanju z lokalnimi in tujimi glasbeniki ustvarja fuzijo balkanske umetnosti z moderno tehnologijo. Preko jeziène lirike ob vpeljavi balkanskih etno motivov in semplov narodnih instrumentov tako avtor ustvari svoj lastni, originalni stil ter pristop k množici in življenju na Balkanu. Skupina je do danes obkrožila festivale in koncertne odre širom Evrope in Balkana ter prispevala glasbo za banjaluško Narodno gledališèe. V svoji diskografiji hranijo dva albuma (DuBalkan, 2007 in Equilibrium, 2009), trenutno pa pripravljajo tretjega.

This is a fusion of world music, Balkan “sevdah” blues and modern technology (dub, dubstep, drum&bass and reggae). The Balkan lands, with their natural wealth and mixture of different cultures and nations, have always served countless Balkan and even world artists as an inexhaustible well of inspiration for artistic creativity in music, theatre, film, poetry and prose.

Sopot, which in old Slavonic means origin, has since 2005 been the original musical project of Petar Topaloviæ, who in collaboration with local and foreign musicians creates a fusion of Balkan art and modern technology. The garrulous lyrics, alongside Balkan ethnic motifs and samples of folk instruments, serve the artist in creating his own original style and approach to the mass of people and life in the Balkans. To date the group has appeared at festivals and concert halls across Europe and the Balkans, and has contributed music for the Banja Luka National Theatre. Their discography comprises two albums (DuBalkan, 2007 and Equilibrium, 2009), while they are currently putting together a third.

Sopot is made up of:
Petar Topaloviæ - vocals, sampler, effects,
Milan Aæimoviæ – keyboards, vocals,
Saša Predojeviæ – drums, percussion,
Ðurica Štula – guitar, bass.

Sopot so:
Petar Topaloviæ - vokali, sempler, efekti,
Milan Aæimoviæ - klaviature, vokali,
Saša Predojeviæ - bobni, tolkala,
Ðurica Štula – kitara, bas.

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Dublab crew

DJ program v dvorani: Dublab Crew - Dubbing is a must!

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