KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Hic et nunc

Hic et nunc (FR) – plesna predstava./ Hic et nunc (FR) – dance performance.

Ona, èuti potrebo po evoluciji, skuša razumeti kaj se je zgodilo najprej, jajce ali kokoška, s humorjem in lahkostjo.On, alter ego, angel in prièa, ogledalo in mediator zunanjega videza, iz dekonstrukcije k rekonstrukciji na težki poti do jasnega videnja.
Kar smo mi, lahko razdelimo na številne predalèke, skozi katere se na vsak naèin skušamo definirati, dobiti priznanje drugih. Radi bi odprli te predalèke, vse te vonje, zvoke, delèke èasa in prostora. Ne toliko suvenirje, kot impresije. Izbrane spomine, vplivne spomine.</font> Radi bi odprli predalèke in obdržali samo tiste pomembnejše, tiste, ki smo jih postavili, da že sami po sebi opravièujejo naš bit, naš tukaj in zdaj.

She, feeling the urge of evolution, to understand what came first, the egg or the hen, humorously and lightly. He, the alter ego, angel and witness, mirror and mediator of the external look, from deconstruction to reconstruction on the difficult path of clear-sightedness. And that other one she could/ should/would have been. What we are can be divided into as many boxes through which we desperately try to define ourselves, to be granted the recognition of others, to be “identified”. I would like to open other boxes, those of flavours, sounds, smells, bits of time and space. Not so much souvenirs as impressions. Selective memory, affective memory.</font> We would like to open them and learn to keep the important ones, the ones that, ordered with both flair and judgement, build identity, which in itself justifies our presence, here and now.</font>

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DJ program v dvorani:! - Bass / Beats / Dub / Wob Wob.

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