KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Buldogi - punk koncert (SLO).

"Pank ni mrtu, sam neki èudn diši …" Natanko ob 30. obletnici ustanovitve ter po okroglih 27 letih potrpežljive odsotnosti je zdaj konèno pred nami prvi (!) dolgometražni album zabavno-glasbenega ansambla Buldogi, skupine iz èasov, ko je bil pank še mlad. Pa vendar, brez skrbi, ne gre zgolj še za enega od brezzobih grižljajev zamašèenih arhivov neposlušljivih posnetkov nenadarjenih bivših rokerjev v KSL (kriza srednjih let), ali pa za, bognedaj!, davno prežveèene zasluge za karsižebodi. Ne! Pred nami je namreè polnokrvni holestero(kenro)l, popolnoma iskren v vsej svoji nemoèi spreminjanja stvari, pa èeprav na bolje! Èe še ne veste, Buldogi so bili najstniška "punck-rock" skupina s Kodeljevega (OŠ Kette-Murn) in iz Zelene jame (OŠ Vide Pregarc), katere èlani so se pri rosnih 14 letih v kleti družinske hiše v Kosovelovi ulici najprej naivno spogledovali s pubertetno uporniško držo in se v treh-štirih letih razvili v maturante z realnim, posledièno pa že ciniènim pogledom na svet. Seveda je bila temu primerno taka tudi njihova muzika. In potem so odšli v JLA ter potonili v pozabo zgodovine. A glej, 27 let kasneje se iznenada - in iz najbrž nikoli povsem pojasnjenih vzgibov - zopet snidejo, se zakopljejo v svoje pièle arhive in uspejo rekonstruirati 15 pesmi iz tistega obdobja.
Na zaèetku leta 2009 so jim sprva namenili formo spodobnih demo posnetkov, toda sèasoma se je izkazalo, da je z nekaj dodatne pozornosti in studijske nege nastalo veè kot to. Zato je zdaj tukaj plošèa ‘Rektospektiva 1979-82’ z na novo posnetimi komadi iz tistega èasa. Njen namen ni spremeniti obstojeèe, temveè ohraniti neobstojeèe. Pesmi na tej plošèi so namreè (z eno izjemo) razporejene kronološko, od prve sploh napisane in tudi posnete v “kao” studiu RŠ (Šminkerji, 1979) do tistih zadnjih iz leta 1982, ki pa do zdaj - za razliko od veèine starejših - nikjer in nikoli niso bile zabeležene, èe odštejemo nakljuèno najdeno staro kaseto z vaje, kjer je v glavnem vse škripalo do nerazumvljivosti. Ta poskus kar se da avtentiène rekonstrukcije je iskreno dejanje, gre za sreèanje z lastnimi zaèetki. Pa naj se zaèetek znova zaène!

Blaž Grm - bobni
Janez Fifolt - bas
Rok Zupan - kitara
RV Maèek - glas/kitara
Damo Zorc - glas
Franci Rainer - zvok

“Punk isn’t dead, it just smells funny …” Right on the 30th anniversary of their founding, and after around 27 years of patient absence, we now finally have before us the first (!) LP from the pop group Buldogi, a group from the times when punk was still young. But no fear, this is not just another toothless titbit from the greasy archives of unlistenable recordings by talentless former rockers in their mid-life crisis, or, heaven forbid, a long sucked-dry favour for whatever. No! This is in fact full-booded cholestero(ck’n’ro)l, totally sincere in all its impotence to change things, even for the better!
In case you don’t know, Buldogi were a teenage "punk-rock" group from the Ljubljana districts of Kodeljevo (Kette-Murn Primary School) and Zelena jama (Vida Pregarc Primary School), whose members, at the tender age of 14, first flirted naively in the basement of a family house in Kosovelova Street with an adolescent stance of rebellion, and in three to four years developed into school-leavers with a realistic, and consequently cynical, view of the world. Of course their music was suited to this, too. And then they went to do their Yugoslav military service, and sank into oblivion. But hey, 27 years later they have suddenly – and no doubt never for entirely clear motives – got back together, delved into their meagre archives and have managed to reconstruct 15 songs from that period.
At the beginning of 2009 they first focused on working them up into suitable demo tapes, but in time it turned out that with some extra attention and care, they had created more than that. So now we have the album “Rektospektiva 1979-82” with re-recorded songs from that time. It does not aim to change the existing, but to preserve the non-existent. The songs on this album are laid down (with one exception) chronologically, from the first song they ever wrote and recorded in a “kind of” Radio Študent studio (Šminkerji [Pretty People], 1979) to the last ones from 1982, which until now – in contrast to most of the older ones – were not recorded anywhere at any time, if we discount a randomly found old cassette from a practice, in which for the most part everything scraped and scratched unintelligibly. This attempt at as authentic a reconstruction as possible is a sincere act, involving a meeting with their own beginnings. So let the beginning begin again!

Blaž Grm - drums
Janez Fifolt - bass
Rok Zupan - guitar
RV Maèek - vocal/guitar
Damo Zorc - vocal
Franci Rainer - sound

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DJ program v dvorani: : Elektroliza - Ocular, Organon, Schrauff (MA, Elements / SLO), E.B.King, Tha Don (Scienceofuse, Gumitwist) / electro.

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