KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Unexpected Productions

Unexpected Productions(ZDA): Spoken - improvizacijsko gledališèe / improvisation theatre.

Kaj so bistvene sestavine sreèanja dveh ljudi? Ustvarjalci bodo odigrali prizor, nato pa raziskali utrinke iz življenj likov, v katerih se je pokazal vpliv tega sreèanja.
Živimo iz trenutka v trenutek in se redko zavedamo kako povezani so ti trenutki. Kako vsi, prav vsi, vplivajo na nas in opredeljujejo naše reakcije v naslednjih trenutkih …
Umetniško vodstvo: Randy Dixon
Nastopajoèi: Randy Dixon, Jill Farris in Paul Levy.

What are the essential ingredients of a meeting between two people? The performers will act out a scene, and then explore moments from the lives of the characters, in which the impact of their meeting has been shown.
We live from moment to moment, and are rarely aware of how connected these moments are. How everyone, absolutely everyone, affects us and defines our reactions in subsequent moments …
Artistic direction: Randy Dixon
Performers: Randy Dixon, Jill Farris and Paul Levy.

Vstopnine ni!

Gverila teater (SLO) z improvizacijsko predstavo "Gverila" v dvorani / improvisation theatre (indoor hall).

Gverila je tekmovanje treh režiserjev v ustvarjanju kratkih gledaliških prizorov za Zlato Gverila znaèko. Obèinstvo se odloèa ali si je prizor zaslužil znaèko ali kazen. Gverila gledalcu omogoèa vpogled v svet zaodrja, proces nastajanja prizora in konèni rezultat. Tako jih predstava na šaljiv naèin popelje v svet gledališèa, kar pritegne predvsem mladega gledalca.
Avtorji in igralci: Urška Boljkovac, Alja Cerar, Ana Marija Mitiè, Urška Mlakar, Gašper Tesner, Nejc Simšiè, Klemen Slaviè, Vid Valiè, Renata Vidiè, Sašo Weilgoni in Goran Završnik.

Gverila is a competition where three directors create short theatrical scenes and compete for the Zlata Gverila [Gold Guerrilla] badge. The audience decides whether the scene deserves a badge or a punishment. Gverila gives the audience an insight into the backstage world, the process of creating a scene and the end result. So the performance takes them in a fun way into the world of the theatre, and this attracts mainly younger audiences.
Writers and performers: Urška Boljkovac, Alja Cerar, Ana Marija Mitiè, Urška Mlakar, Gašper Tesner, Nejc Simšiè, Klemen Slaviè, Vid Valiè, Renata Vidiè, Sašo Weilgoni and Goran Završnik.

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