KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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The Real McKenzies

The Real McKenzies (CAN) – folk punk koncert.

Iz Vancouvra, kanadske valilnice vrhunskih punk bendov, kot so D.O.A, SNFU, No Means No in Dayglo Abortions, prihajajo tudi keltski punkerji The Real McKenzies. Eksotièna zasedba založbe Fat Wreck, ki v znaèilno punk glasbo vnaša prvine škotske oziroma keltske kulture, je praktièno od nastanka na turneji in tudi zaradi tega slovi kot ena najboljših koncertnih skupin.

The Real McKenzies so nastali leta 1992 iz èiste zabave. Iz omar svojih staršev so privlekli kilte in dolge nogavice, ki so jih uporabili kot uniformo na svojih koncertih, na katerih so preigravali tuje komade in jih pomensko prirejali v škotsko tematiko. Z zabavo so šli še dlje in v svoje nastope vpeljali še klasièen škotski inštrument – dude. Seveda The Real McKenzies niso prvi rock bend, ki je eksperimentiral z dudami, postali pa so prvi bend, ki je v celotno sliko svoje glasbe vpeljal dude kot enakovreden inštrument kitaram in s tem zaèeli neverjetno popotovanje.

Vancouver, Canada’s incubator of top punk bands such as D.O.A, SNFU, No Means No and Dayglo Abortions, is also the home of Celtic punkers The Real McKenzies. This exotic group on the Fat Wreck label, which brought into standard punk music elements of Scottish and Celtic culture, has been on tour practically from the start, and for this reason is also famed as one of the best concert groups.

The Real McKenzies started off in 1992 just for fun. They pulled kilts and long socks out of their parents’ cupboards, and used them as a uniform at their concerts, where they also played covers and gave them a Scottish arrangement. They took the fun even further, spicing up their gigs with the classic Scottish instrument, the bagpipes. Of course The Real McKenzies are not the first rock band to experiment with bagpipes, but they became the first band to bring the bagpipes into the whole picture of their music as an instrument equal to the guitar, thereby embarking on their extraordinary journey.

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Oknai, Some1else, Freeverse, Sunneh

DJ program v dvorani: Oknai & Some1else(Monomo), Freeverse & Sunneh (Synaptic,!!) - Lo-fi / Glitch Hop / Dubstep

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