KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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BBOY Street Contest

BBOY Street Contest – breakdance tekmovanje /breakdance battle.

Ilari Niskanen, Elias Niskanen in Simeoni Juoperi so mladi in entuziastièni plesalci, ki prihajajo iz Finske. So pomembni posamezniki, aktivno vkljuèeni v finski “street” ples in pomemben del te subkulture. S tem vplivajo na uèenje urbanih plesov, organizirajo hip hop dogodke in s svojimi odliènimi nastopi zastopajo svojo državo na razliènih in številnih tekmovanjih in dogodkih.

Ilari Niskanen, Elias Niskanen and Simeoni Juoperi are young and enthusiastic dancers from the central area of Finland. These three dancers have been strongly involved in the Finnish street dance culture and are also influencing it by teaching urban dances, organizing hip hop events and by representing their country and dance in various competitions and events.

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Code.EP crew

DJ program v dvorani: Code.EP Crew - Funk/ Funky breaks/ HipHop/ Mash up.

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