KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Zakljuèni koncert Trnfesta 2010: Laibach (SLO)- degeneriran pop koncert. / Closing Concert: Laibach (SLO) – degenerated pop concert.

Angleški tisk jih je oznaèil za najnevarnejšo skupino na svetu. Newyorški radio jih je na gostovanju po Ameriki pred leti najavil kot skupino, ki ukinja države in ustvarja nove. V Jugoslaviji so bili veè let prepovedani z uradnim dekretom. V ZDA so jim v 80' letih zaradi ideološke nevarnosti zavrnili vstop v državo. Kljub temu so po severnoameriškem kontinentu izpeljali že štiri veèje turneje, evropskih pa niti ne štejejo veè. Od ustanovitve leta 1980 do danes je skupina imela veè kot 800 koncertov po celem svetu, prodala pa je veè kot milijon svojih plošè.
Glasba skupine je bila kot inspiracija uporabljena v znamenitem eksperimentalnem filmskem hitu 'Blair Witch Project', èlani zasedbe so nastopili v filmu 'Full Metal Jacket' slovitega režiserja Stanleyja Kubricka, njihovo glasbo pa je med drugim moè zaslediti tudi v hollywoodskem filmskem hitu 'Spiderman I' ter v popularni ameriški televizijski nanizanki 'Alias'.
Leta 1984 je skupina soustanovila širšo, neformalno organizacijo in estetsko gibanje NSK (ki poleg Laibacha vkljuèuje še slikarsko skupino Irwin, gledališko skupino Sester Scipiona Nasice ter Kozmokinetièni kabinet Noordung, oblikovalski studio Novi kolektivizem, Oddelek za èisto in praktièno filozofijo in razliène podskupine). S svojimi skupnimi akcijami (Štafeta Mladosti, Krst pod Triglavom, ipd.) je združenje moèno oznaèilo osemdeseta in prvo polovico devetdesetih, tako v Sloveniji kot v bivši državi Jugoslaviji ter tudi drugje po svetu. Leta 2005 je pri ameriški založbi MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), izšla knjiga o Laibachu in NSK - predelana doktorska disertacija angleškega avtorja A. Monroa, z naslovom “Interrogation Machine”.

The British press labelled them the most dangerous group in the world. On their tour of America a few years ago, a New York radio station announced them as a group that terminates countries and creates new ones. In Yugoslavia they were banned for several years by official decree. They were refused entry to the USA in the 80s owing to their ideological threat. Nevertheless, they have already completed four major tours of the North American continent, and have lost count of their European tours. Since their founding in 1980 to the present day, the group has performed more than 800 concerts all over the world, and has sold more than a million records.
The group’s music was used as an inspiration in the well-known experimental hit film “Blair Witch Project”, members of the group appeared in the film “Full Metal Jacket” by the famous director Stanley Kubrick, and their music can be heard in the Hollywood blockbuster “Spiderman I” and in the popular American television series “Alias”.
In 1984 the group helped form the broader, informal organisation and aesthetic movement NSK (which alongside Laibach involves the art group Irwin, the theatre group Sester Scipiona Nasice and Kozmokinetièni kabinet Noordung, the design studio Novi kolektivizem, the Department for Pure and Applied Philosophy and various subgroups). Through their joint actions (Baton of Youth, Baptism under Triglav and more) the association left a strong mark on the eighties and first half of the nineties, both in Slovenia and in the former Yugoslavia, as well as elsewhere in the world. In 2005 the American publishing house of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) published a book on Laibach and NSK. This was a rearranged doctoral thesis by the British writer A. Monroe, entitled “Interrogation Machine”.

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