Disco Panonia gosti hrvaškega producenta Zarkoff-a (Home Made Electronica, Adriatico, Unhoerbar) z vokalno-elektronskim live actom. Zarkoff sporoča: From voluntary isolation and self medication, Zarkoff presents misantrophy at its best, the recipe for soul corruption, the formula for moral decay. For the hurt, for the bad, for the angry, for the hateful, for everyone who feels fucked by life and let down by the fellow man - Zarkoff provides nothing more than a slight comfort. But we are many and we are angry, we are the majority.
Yas, rezident programa, nadaljuje s svojim DJ nastopom v prepoznavnem eklektičnem stilu, ki ga vsak teden brusi na nizozemski radijski postaji Intergalactic.fm – pričakujte italo, electro, techno, acid in EBM.