==== FrontDoorFloor: ====
( Disturbulence,Techment,Technomafia )
~~ WORTEX ~~
( Braindamage, Techno set )
~~ STUPA ~~
( djstupa.com, illusion art )
~~ LOMAS ~~
( Tehnorija Team,Loga-Tech,E.O.S. )
( Techno piknik )
( Into The Wild )
~~ FILIP G ~~
( freelance )
Matej - skymate was born in 1987.His first contact with electronic music was at his age of 11.At that time he never thought that he will become a DJ.The first party he attended was when he was 14,in the year 2002@Cassablanca in his home town Celje-Slovenia!Five years later he met some friends:Linda,Ian Bensonn(his best friends and greatest support)and Gregor,also known as DJ Gregg Hood who was his inspiration.2 weeks later he bought his own turntable,mixer and whole the equipment,starting to play and produce his own music.He began djing in 2007 and get a chance to prove him self in ex big club Escape in Celje,later he perfomed at other partys around in Slovenia.3 years later he decide to produce his own music.2010 year was the big year for him,he signed over 15 tracks for big labels such as TechnoMafia,Techment,Vezotonik,Disturbulence and others worldwide labels.His style is Hardgroove techno,but he never produce the same waves,he likes also the new sound of techno so he is not pointed in one thing.
He performed with:Misjah,Boriqua Tribez,Marko Nastic,Space DJz,DJ Murphy,Pedro Delgardo,Fatima Hajji,Fer BR,Psiho,Gumja,Veztax,Quit-B,Delano,Reaky,Wyrus,Hristian Stojanowski,Peppelino,Omega Drive,Goncalo M,Flis,Rydel,Ian F,Robert G Roy...
Tracks & Promos : www.soundcloud.com/skymate
~~ MINOX ~~
( Impulz )
~~ ACY ~~
( Eclectronik Revolution, E-O-S )
~~ ZWEIS ~~
( chance recording acency,eclectronic revolution,E-O-S )
( freelance )
~~ NOMIX ~~
( freelance )
( freelance )
~~ MINOX ~~
Mladi, perspektivni in Slovencem dobro znan mariborski DJ »Minox«, je z aktivnim vrtenjem glasbe začel leta 2004. Prvi vidnejši nastop je imel na open air party-ju »Born to be willd« leta 2005. Med tem pa je vrtel glasbo kot rezident DJ v klubu »6 in the city« v Grazu (Avstrija), kjer si je pridobil potrebne izkušnje. Sedaj pa spravlja na noge množice zabave željnih po party-jih, ki jih tudi sam organizira. Na teh eventih gosti uveljavljena imena elektronske glasbe. Možnost pa daje tudi mladim perspektivnim in neuveljavljenim DJ-em. Vrtel je v večini slovenskih klubov ter vecjih festivalih z znanimi slovenskimi in tudi tujimi Dj-i kot so; Sharam - Deep Dish, Umek, Oxia, Mombotica, Paolo Barbato, Belloca, Kid Dub, Angel Anx, Aleksij, Electrixx, Crazy Lemon, Eddie F, Sylvain, Mike Vale, itd…
Gostoval pa je že tudi v Angliji, na Hrvaškem in v Avstriji kjer je navdušil s svojim izborom glasbe in tehniko. Začel se je tudi ukvarjati s produkcijo glasbe, v kratkem pa bomo lahko slišali njegovo delo, katero vas zagotovo ne bo pustilo ravnodušno. Trenutno ga je mogoce najpogosteje slišati in videti v Clubu Impulz, kjer je rezident DJ od leta 2006.
~~ ACY ~~
Born in the year 1985 and found himself in the world of electronic music in 2008. In that same year his love for electronic music was born. His desire manifested soon after that in the year 2009 - with the purchase of his equipment he stepped on his path as a DJ. With trying out different music styles he felt most at home within the world of Techno & Minimal...
In the year 2010, he started working with his own production, the result will come out already this year ;)
~~ ZWEIS ~~
DJ zweis aka. Jernej Lavrenčič se je rodil leta 1988 v Postojni. Z elektronsko glasbo se je prvič srečal pri 16 letih. Po nekaj letih žuranja ga je tako navdušila da se je v začetku leta 2009 začel ukvarjati z njo. Začel je z rolanjem komercijalnega housa vendar je po nekaj mesecih iskanja prave glasbe zanj našel svoje mesto v progressive ritmih (house,trance,techno)
V dobrem letu je rolal že na veliko privat partyih in v slovenskih klubih kot so SUB SUB, K4, klub Pržanček,Tutenkamn,Močilnik.. z DJ-ji kot so Martelli,Benjamin Begovič,Gumja,Lexis,Flash,Jay T Negro,Alex Cvetkov,Rustie White,Claus Cotini, Guti,Drawle,Lomas in mnogi drugi... Leta 2009 se je pridružil angleški ekipi Chance Recordings Agency in slovenski Eclectronic Revolution..leta 2010 pa še E.O.S (Exploration of Sound).
Pripravlja tudi svoj prvi komad ki bo izdan konec tega leta ali v začetku leta 2011:))