Tudi na tokratni Tehnoriji nas bo obiskal prav poseben DJ in tudi tokrat bo Dj PREMIERNO v SLOVENIJI! Ta Dj in Producent je Alexey Kotlyar,techno mojster iz Kieva,Ukraine!! Je pa tudi lastnik založbe AK Recordings. Na njegovi založbi je izdala že cela kopica velikih in malih techno producentov kot so npr. Goncalo M,Thermo,K.E.N.Y.U.,Bitch Bros,Gumja,Omega Drive.....itd. itd.
Pridružil se nam bo tudi dj iz sosednje hrvaške Nitevision ,ki bo še enkrat več pokazal tehniko vrtenja na 3 platerje!!! Na malem minimal-progressive flooru, pa nam bo svoje znanje nakazal Dj iz sosednje Italije, Mark Dee, in pa tudi perspektiven producent in dj, Swayts !!!In seveda ostali.....
Na kratko, ponovno bo v klubu Pržan prava Tehnorija! Upam da se nam tudi vi pridružite na tej pravi poslastici techno zvokov!!
Samo za vas smo se odločili da bomo organizirali tudi after party,v klubu pržan! More info soon ;)))
==== FrontDoorFloor: ====
AKR , Guilhotina , Patterns , Adult , Starstraxx , Undershape , WHPH and many more!
-- Nitevision ( Croatia ) Exklusive 3deck's set!
-- Drawle VS. LoMas ( Slo ) 4Deck's & 2 mixers !
Smash !t
Tehnorija Team,E.O.S.,Loga-Tech
- Spenix ( Slo )
Tehnorija Team, E.O.S.
- Lizard ( Slo )
- Hasani ( Slo )
Winner of Tehnorija newcomer Dj Contest!
-- MARK DEE ( Italy )
- B. Swayts (Slo)
( NWORec.,Next Level )
- DeVine (Slo)
[( Tehnorija Team,Club Pržan )]
- Flash (Slo)
- Musash (Slo)
- Yoco (Slo)
Tehnorija Team
!!!!! ALEXEY KOTLYAR !!!!!
Alexey Kotlyar is owner of digital techno label AK Recordings. He engaged in the creation of Tribal, Funky, Hardgroove, techno. Collaborating with a number of the world's best techno labels. : Adult, Patterns , StarsTraxx, Guilhotina, Unaffected, ... and many others. Involved in DJing. Graduated from music school and the school of musical composition. In 2000 , he graduated with honors DJ school Banging Bonanza, under the leadership of Dj Strontium (ukr)
AK Recordings was started to release high end music selected by Ukranian DJ and producer Alexey Kotlyar.
Featured on the best e-music stores on the web.
AK Recordings distributed by Guilhotina Label Management
Mastering engineer: Marcelo Domancich
My name is Velibor Vitez (Knight) aka DJ Nitevision and Iam from Varazdin, Croatia. My first contact with electronic music was at the very young age but it became an important part of my life few years later (1998.) as I started to go on parties every week. At first I was interested in all genres but in the middle of 1999. I've found myself in techno. From the beginning I had an urge to get more involved, to become more than just a recipient. I only had a glimpse of something bigger behind it but was unable to grasp it at that time. Although it was rather blur it was big enough to force me deeper into it. At the end of 2001. I've bought my first turntable set. Pretty soon I've realized that its low quality will prevent my development and I was looking forward for an upgrade. Unfortunately this became reality later than I was planning but it was worth waiting because it met all my expectations. Today Iam doing shows with three turntables, Korg Kaoss Pad 3 and DJM 600.
!!! MARK DEE !!!
Promoter and Dj, began her career at 15 years old in a small town in southern Italy. Organizes events and works in a local radio station through the program “Dj on mix”, remaining tied to the dance music, but at the same time nurturing a passion for progressive and underground music of those years. In 1998 he moved to Trieste and began his passion for Techno music. He plays in some clubs in his city and Slovenia. Recently played in two prestigious clubs on the island of Kos (Greece) and played alongside the minimal genius Marc Houle. He partecipated at Eco Festival 2010 in Slovenia, where partecipated artists of techno mondial scene like Ignition Technician, Dj Murphy, Pedro Delgardo, Fatima Hajji. Specializes in minimal and tech house
B. Swayts aka. Boris Slemnik rojen 12.10.1983 v Rorschachu v Švici. Po končani 7 letni glasbeni šoli in preselitvi v Slovenijo se je leta 1999 začel ukvarjati z vrtenjem elektronske glasbe. Leta 2006 je nastopil na tekmovanju SYLD, kjer se je njegova pot končala v polfinalu. Leta 2007 pa je bil izbran za nastop na tekmovanju v Kopru – SDJF. Leto kasneje, se je z prijatelji iz tega področja odločil narediti lastno organizacijo, katera se bi ukvarjala z promocijo in razvojem elektronske glasbe. Še v istem letu je tudi nastala, pod imenom NEXT LEVEL. Po skoraj 10 letih vrtenja »klasičnega techna« pod imenom Tom Cidyx se je leta 2009 odločil za spremembo, spremeniti stil ter umetniško ime – začeti znova. Začel je z lastno produkcijo in 31.1.2011 je bil na Beatportu exkluzivno izdan njegov prvi EP - The New Way pri založbi NWORec., ki temelji na zvokih melodičenga progressiva. Zanimanje za glasbo ter različne stile je raznoliko, od techna, modernega techna prek tech housa do progessiva....in v prihodnje lahko na produkcijskem kot tudi na področju vrtenja elektronske glasbe, še veliko pričakujemo od njega...
Tehnorija team was founded by DJ LoMas a.k.a. Lovro Masle and Dj Spenix a.k.a. Matic Smrtnik. They both play in versus as well and then are known as Tehnorca. Their first organised event was D-day For B-Day TEHNORIJA on the 3rd September 2010 held at club Pržan just outside the city of Ljubljana. Catrina Burns and Maja Ropoša also jumped in to help with the party and to help form this actual non-profit organisation. At the beginning there were four of them but soon another member joined the group, Dj DeVine a.k.a. Aleš Oblak - rezident of Club Pržanček. Now this is yet a very young organisation, but will still do all it can to organise some great events and bring some good quality music to your ears. In the future they plan to bring us some new, fresh talents also to help promoting themselves.