Nebotičnik, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Si želite nekaj novega, drugačnega in ednistvenega? 
Pridružite se nam v centru mesta, pod zvezdnatim nebom, kjer se bo tradicija spojila s sodobnostjo v obliki brezčasnega retro vs elektro plesnega večera. Z občutkom predvajano glasbeno zvrstjo, ki jo lahko slišite in občutite samo na Nebotičniku, bomo ustvarili atmosfero za glasbene sladokusce in ljubitelje estetike.

Sound designed by:
21:00 - 24:00: retro swing with Sweetswing DJs and dancers
24:00 - 03:00: electro swing (Hot cues)

Info in rezervacije:

Would you like to experience something different and unique?
Join us in the heart of the center of Ljubljana, under the stars, where tradition and modernity bond in a timeless mix of retro vs electro night. We will create an atmosphere for all music and beauty lovers, with an exclusive taste for music, played and felt only at the Skyscraper.

Sound designed by:
21:00 - 24:00: retro swing with Sweetswing DJs and dancers
24:00 - 03:00: electro swing (Hot cues)

Info and reservations: