Retro vs Elektro

Nebotičnik, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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'Groovin', soulful funk in disco glasba so našli svoj dom v središču mesta, tik pod zvezdami. Prvi Ljubljanski nebotičnik z mešanico stare arhitekture in nove estetike, ustvarja smernice oblikovanja nočnega življenja. Nebotičnik klub združuje brezčasno mešanico moderne oblike, retro glasbene zvrsti in nove zvočne oblike v vzdušje za vse ljubitelje glasbe in lepote. Če pa se želite ohladiti od vročega kluba, si vetrič hladnega zraka privoščite na terasi, ki ponuja popoln razgled na mesto in neomejen pogled v nebo. 

+ Sound designed by Hot cues:
- 22:00 - 24:00: nujazz and soulful funk
- 24:00 - 03:00: disco, nudisco, disco-house, funky house, electro-funk

Info in rezervacije:

Groovin', soulful funk and disco music found its home. In
the heart of the city, just under the stars. Ljubljana's first
skyscraper blends the old architecture with the new aesthetics of
designing for the nightlife. Skyscraper club produces a timeless mix of
modern design, retro musical genres and new sound shapes into an
atmosphere for all music and beauty lovers. We're all about feeling
good. If you want a breeze of cool air, from the hot of the club,
following massive wooden stairway, you will find yourself on the terrace
that offers a complete, 360-degrees view of the city and an unlimited
gaze to the sky. 
Welcome to enjoy yourself.

+ Sound designed by Hot cues:
- 22:00 - 24:00: nujazz and soulful funk
- 24:00 - 03:00: disco, nudisco, disco-house, funky house, electro-funk

Info and reservations: