Največji DISCO hiti prejšnjega stoletja, seksi dekleta, bujne pričeske in seveda »shiny disco balls« čakajo na vas …
Pridružite se nam v vročici poletne noči visoko nad mestom, se prepustite divjim ritmom brezčasne disco glasbe in zaplešite!
Na popotovanje skozi glasbene uspešnice, Vas bo pospremil
dj Tedy Gamotta.
info in rezervacije:
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"Disco deserved a better name, a beautiful name because it was a beautiful art form. It made the consumer beautiful. The consumer was the star."
Barry White
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Biggest DISCO hits of the last century, sexy girls, lush hair and of course the "shiny disco balls" are waiting just for you ...
Join us in the heat of the summer night high above the city, enjoy the wild rhythms of timeless disco music and dance!
On a journey through the music hits, you will be escorted by
dj Tedy Gamotta.
info and reservations: