DJ: House Wife aka Lieutenant Uhura (70s Star Trek version)
VJ: Delta Nu aka Aeon Flux (movie version)
- How would love change if we lived to be 500?
- If you could travel back in time and revise decisions, would you?
- What if you could confront, talk to, or kill God?
- What if Nazi sympathizers in the US won the 1940 elections?
Za nerde:
Naslovu eventa, ki se bo zgodil v časovnem okviru Sončevega obrata (Zimskega solsticija), smo kičasto pripeli še, temi večera pritikajoč naslov iz kultnega filma Bližnja srečanja tretje vrste. Ta se je v popularnem izrazoslovju prijel kot termin, ki ga je za poimenovanje dogodkov iz pričevanj bližnjih srečanj Zemljanov z bitji iz Vesolja, izumil ufologist J. Allen Hynek (pojavi se tudi v filmu!!!).
Za geeke:
Sprehodili se bomo skozi avdio-vizualno pokrajino zgodovine glasbeno-filmskih referenc znanstveno-fantastičnega žanra, temi primeren pa naj bo tudi slog vašega obiska: It´s time to dress SCI/FI and start your UFO!!!
Za dorke:
La Charcuterie mécanique, Le voyage dans la lune, 20 000 lieues sous les mers, The Airship Destroyer, Verdens Undergang, Himmelskibet, Holger-Madsen, The First Men in the Moon, L'uomo meccanico, Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler, Black Oxen, Ρaris qυi dοrt, Aelita, Luch Smerti, The Lost World, Metropolis, Frau im Mond, Just Imagine, La Fin du monde, Island of Lost Souls, The Invisible Man, The Tunnel, Der Herr der Welt, Aerograd, The Invisible Ray, Buck Rogers, Dr. Cyclops, The Invisible Woman, Man-Made Monster, The Invisible Man's Revenge, The Lady and the Monster, The Man in Half Moon Street, The Purple Monster Strikes, Counterblast, Krakatit, The Fountainhead, The Day the Earth Stood Still, When Worlds Collide, War of the Worlds, It Came From Outer Space, Them!, This Island Earth, Earth vs The Flying Saucers, Forbidden Planet, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Gojira, Incredible Shrinking Man, Nebo zovyot, The Timemachine, Mothra, La Jetée, The Day of the Triffids, Alphaville, Fahrenheit 451, Quatermass and the Pit, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Planet of the Apes, Doppelgänger, THX 1138, A Clockwork Orange, Solaris, Silent Running, Soylent Green, Dark Star, A Boy and his Dog, Alien, Logan’s Run, Alien, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Stalker, Quintet, Videodrome, Dune, Repo Man, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Enemy Mine, Mad Max, Brazil, The Quiet Earth, The Terminator, Kin-dza-dza!, Akira, Tetsuo: The Iron Man, Total Recall, Delicatessen, Until the End of the World, Kôkaku kidôtai, Twelve Monkeys, Johnny Mnemonic, Strange Days, Mars Attacks!, The Fifth Element, Starship Troopers, Gattaca, The Matrix, I.K.U., Donnie Darko, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Vanilla Sky, Avalon, Equilibrium, Minority Report, Le Temps du Loup, Primer, Æon Flux, Children of Men, Papurika, Avatar
*Dogodek prirejamo v produkciji Zavoda Aksioma kot uvod v avtorski projekt Maje Smrekar, ki ga bo v obliki samostojne razstave z naslovom »Zgodovina prihodnosti«, premierno predstavila 10. 1. 2012 v Projektnem prostoru Aksioma.
DRESS CODE: SCI // FI!!! (is the new/old black)
Produkcija: Aksioma – Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, Ljubljana, 2011
Projekt podpirajo Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, MOL- Oddelek za kulturo
in EU Program Kultura.