CAZKIT (Penso-Rápido DJs, Portugal)
DR. KLASH (Analogue Klash, Venezuela)
VON MEISTER (Analogue Klash, Slovenia)
DJ MONDAY (Slovenia)
MOAT (Bojler, Slovenia)
Tokratni častni gostje bodo YOUR GAY THOUGHTS in CAZKIT. Your Gay Thoughts so bend, ki jih je boljše doživeti kot opisati. Njihova fuzija zvokov in ozračja, ki ga ustvarijo je nekaj, kar z zadovoljstvom predstavimo na našem večeru. Naš drugi gost, Cazkit, je dolgoleten prijatelj AK kolektiva in s Portugalske prinaša polno malho svežih elektro in tehno bomb.
KLASH BASH diskodžokeji večera bodo: DJ MONDAY z njegovim gruvom, brejki, indie, disko in funk godbo. Novinec, MOAT, od naših Bojler frendov, bo zasukal malo bass, house in trap muzike. Kot že ponavadi nam jo bosta zagodla tradicionalna AK muskontarja, DR. KLASH & VON MEISTER, z njunim multiinštrumentalnim, večžanrskim, narodnozabavnim ansamblom.
Vstopnina: 5 € pred polnočjo, 7 € kasneje
Our guests of honor of the night this time around are YOUR GAY THOUGHTS and CAZKIT. Your Gay Thoughts are a band that’s better experienced than described. Their fusion of sounds and mood is something we’re really glad to finally have at our show. Our second special guest is Cazkit, a long-time friend of the AK collective who’s coming all the way from Portugal to bring us his own fresh take on electro and techno.
The KLASH BASH DJs of the night consist of: DJ MONDAY with his awesome groove, breaks, indie and funk. Newcomer, MOAT from our Bojler friends will bring bass, house and trap! And as it’s already traditional, the Analogue Klash mofos, DR. KLASH and VON MEISTER, with their cross-genre mayhem.