The Inspector Cluzo & Poslušalnica 69 @ Gala Hala

Gala Hala, Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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V prvem delu zanimivega novemberskega večera se bosta na oder postavila francoska zajebanta, ki sta nas v Gala hali na svojem prvem slovenskem nastopu popolnoma navdušila – na mesto zločina se vrača dvojec THE INSPECTOR CLUZO! V svoji pristni “fuck the bassplayer” maniri nam bosta francoska divjaka predstavila svoj zadnji album “The 2 mousquetaires”.
Drugi del večera pa je namenjen Poslušalnici 69, ki tokrat gosti glasbenega novinarja Sandija Sadarja Šobo (RSQ, Aritmija, Rockline, Rock Hard…), ki ga je album The Razor’s Edge skupine AC/DC iniciral v svet trde rock glasbe. Glasbeni eksces, popolna fuzija občutka, vsebine in iskanje popolnega zvoka ter ritma ga je od prvinskih ritmov AC/DC popeljala v avantgardo alternative 90’, tako bo poleg prvinskega zvoka rockerske garaže iz zvočnikov zavel tudi zvok eklektikov TOOL, A Perfect Circle, Deftones, kot tudi zvoki Pantere in južnjaškega temperamenta. Težišče shizofrenega glasbenega univerzuma je v vsej njegovi neulovljivosti nekje vmes.

Vstopnina: 5 €, po koncertu vstop prost!


After 500 gigs in 30 countries and 50000 album sold within 4 years, all DIY (do it yourself), The Inspector Cluzo releases his CD / Comic-book 3rd album “The 2 Mousquetaires” next february, 20th on his own label: Fuck the Bass Player Records.
This 3rd album has been recorded, written and produced in their studio/office/label in Mont de Marsan (Lou Moun), Gasconha in Lacrouts great father’s house. Once again, their friend Stephan Kraemer mixed the album and their Taiwanese friend Chris Chaos did all the drawings. The idea of this CD/Comic-book is to use a different way of distribution respecting the main actors: producers and consumers.
A tour supporting the album is planned including a Paris show at “La Cigale” on march 7th, 2012. The “FB’s horns” who are on the album will also be on tour with the duet.
The Gascon duet chose to speak about the Gascon values -well known through the Mousquetaires- to show the fight they undertake for the respect of all traditions and culture of the whole world attacked by the insanity of the consuming world.
The band is developing a narrow partnership with some local actors such “le stade montois rugby”, the brand Adishatz® or the handmade “le domaine de la Tuilerie” Bas-Armagnac (cf. Concerned page).
The Gascon duo is proud to be « Que som cabelhs e testuts » (stubborn and tough in Gascon)!