Club Terazza s ponosom predstavlja »birthday celebration - Teja Košir & Marko Bon«!
Le kdo se ne veseli rojstnega dne? Smo v središču pozornosti, slišimo najlepše želje, pa še darila dobimo! Čudovito, mar ne?
Ampak glasba je pomemben del vsakega praznovanja rojstnega dne, saj dirigira ritem dogajanja! Zato smo našima slavljencema in vsem drugim obiskovalcem pripravili pester izbor glasbe, ter DJev ki nam bodo zavrteli vse od housa pa do techna.
.:: DJ’s ::.
(Tested, Overload, Papstec)
Od lokalnega do regionalnega, od regionalnega do državno prepoznavnega statusa. DJ Brlee katerega kariera se je začela v letu 2002, je v tem času vsekakor potrdil, da ima srce za elektronsko glasbo. Organizator številnih OVERLOAD eventov ter voditelj istoimenske radijske oddaje, vsak petek ob 22:00h na valovih Mojega radija na 107,0 MHz. Nekoč rezident celjske Casablance in kluba Escape, zmagovalec tekmovanja
SYLD, s katerim si je takrat zagotovil tudi nastop v AG, medtem pa je svoje znanje že dokazoval v vseh večjih diskotekah po Sloveniji. V svoji, sicer še ne tako dolgi, a vendarle uspešni karieri je vrtel z mnogo zvenečih imen (Axwell, Fedde Le Grand, Sebastian Ingrosso, Frankie Knucles, Junior Jack&Kid Cream, Silicoune Soul, David Morales, Terry Francis, Barbara Tucker, Marshall Jefferson, Dr. Kucho, Sonique,...) elektronske scene v številnih klubih, tako doma,(Nizozemska, Nemčija, Avstrija, Grčija, Italija, Srbija, BiH, Hrvaška, ...). Njegov stil glasbe je house, tech-house; zelo pa je poznan po tem, da se med vrtenjem maksimalno poveže s publiko.Že v naslednjih mesecih pa lahko pričakujemo njegovo izdajo na Tested records z komadom Meola.
(1605, No Logik Records, I Am Techno)
Greg Kutnar, 25-year old enthusiast of electronic rhythms, enjoys creating long, original and uplifting mixes. He started his musical work(out) a couple of years ago, with a help of his friends, that had some successful trips in electronic music behind them. Performing in clubs in Ljubljana, Kranj and surrounding cities gave him the
thrill, to decide, that someday, he too will shake the crowd with his own musical gimmicks. Today he eagerly fills up his music collection with »up to date« tech house and techno tracks.In desire for greater visibility, he shared his dj skills with viewers of Slovenian music reality show, Preparty ́s dj competition, where he was the favorite for winning from the start. As a reward he got a two-year contract with a professional team of this multimedia project, that supports electronic music, djs and producers. Preparty enabled him the “trip” to the front row with the best best wizards of electronic music. They enabled him warming-up the crowd in Spanish discotheque Tropics, for the one and only DJ Umek. And he does not rest. He proved his talent again on the DJ Battle 2010 competition and made his way to the top three.Encouraged by these successes and with a wish to contribute to the production of quality electronic music, he is aware that the time has come to paint his own musical expressions.So here they are. First releases with great labels! Criminamorphe (1605 Music Therapy), Streetfafe EP (System Recordings), 90knife (Italo Business), Left Sock Singing (Miniatures records)..The stone started rolling!
► GT
(Club Terazza, Overload)
(Ga-Al Group)