Kapucinka, Novo mesto, Slovenia

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Area Zero presents night of techno music (dark/industrial/new age/techno):


LILONEE (Reldz Recordings)

Hailing from the world's hotbed of techno, comes Petra Lisicar, to most know as Dj Lilonee, one of Europe's freshest and most dedicated new exports in the underground techno scene.. Growing up in Zagreb, Croatia she started going to electronic music events when she was 14 years old. True legends like Dave clarke, Dj Rush, Umek, Jeff Mills and Terry Francis are just some of her earliest influences that guided to her present day involvment with the global techno community.
In 2006 she met Roman Zawodny, the USA techno producer and DJ who she would team up with to form one of the most respected and well known digital techno labels. After going to the United States for a one year to see the world and experience the techno scene on a larger scale in 2007, she returned to Croatia inspired and one-hundred percent dedicated to running Reldz, producing and performing her unique style of jacking techno! As co-founder and label boss of Reldz Recordings she has made her mark in the extremely competitive world of EDM.
With an enthusiasm for techno and it's variants, Lilonee has been constantly working in the studio. With releases coming out on the following labels: Reldz, Connected, Stars Traxx, Techment, Prozak, Mad Hatter, TAR and TMMR, Lilonee's distinct sound has received much support from the industry's elite. With many of today's hardgroove producers sounding indistinguishable, Lilonee has her own sound: crisp, jacking, futuristic techno geared for the packed club.
Over the last two years she has graced the decks of many clubs and parties across Europe. She played back to back with Wehbba and Cari Lekebusch at two different events and held her own superbly, rocking the floor with no hesitation and total control. It's no wonder she is considered one of Europe's fastest rising female techno stars. There are undoubtedly big things ahead for this very talented dj / producer!!!



DENIS BERLIN (Area Zero) (Exatek Records)

Young artist Denis Berlin born on 25.11.1987 in Novo mesto, Slovenia. He got connected/in love with electronic music at his age of 18, after 5 years he started his first gigz at etc(first landing ( open air for unknown artists) under influence of following artists ; daniel greenx , wortex , gary beck , the advent , a.paul , angy kore.
Denis released on Exatek label, and is also a member of collective Area Zero,
they are organizing Technocraft and Subway events. He is also a member of Robotic Records and he is looking forward to gather all the hidden talents!

Wise words for finish by young Slovenian DJ & Producer Denis Berlin ; Music value is priceless


Subsonic Tribe je projekt, ki je nastal nedavno in združuje dva novomeška DJa in producenta bolje znana pod imenoma Tico in Nytrox. Po številnih letih nastopanja na partyih in privatnih zabavah, sta se DJa odločila združiti moči z namenom ustvarjanja glasbe, ki ne sledi trendom, ampak vedno znova poskuša odpirati nove dimenzije. Kljub želji po eksperimentiranju se osredotočata predvsem na electro, techno in drum&bass, njune sete in komade pa prežemajo trdi beati, globoki bassi ter temačne atmosfere. V svoji glasbi poskušata združiti vplive starejše elektronske glasbe z navdihi novodobne elektronike, vendar kljub temu ohranjata pristni underground zvok.

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Area Zero: