2MANYMORE: Lucid dreams

festivalna dvorana Lent, Maribor, Slovenia

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2MANYMORE piše novo zgodbo..Tokratna tema petkovega druženja so lucidne sanje. V teh sanjah se bomo popolnoma zavedali dejstva da se nahajamo sredi sanj in to svojo vednost uporabi za spreminjanje toka sanj. Zato vabljeni v glasbeno kuliso, ki je podrejena druženju sorodnih duš, minglanju, plesu in mešanju dobrih vibracij.


Vaši spremljevalci v sanjah:

(MB Electonics / Reload)

FB link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Damir-Hoffman/180141158746618?ref=ts&fref=ts
SC link: https://soundcloud.com/damirhoffman

Damir Hoffman is a dj, producer & head of party organisation based in Nova Gorica Slovenia. He has been in the Slovenian electronic music scene for the past 10 years and there's no bigger club or event where he didn't perform yet.
>From the very begining it was clear that he has an outstanding music taste which attracted the attention of the audience very fast. After playing first gigs in 2001, he felt the need for his own contribution to the local clubbing sceene, so he started to organise parties with interational dj guests. The events spread like fire and Damir became well known for his energetic closing sets. In the 2007 he started working at Marco Polo polo club and Reload concept was born. Over the years almost all the biggest techno players performed at Reload parties.2011 is the year for Damir. He got the opportunity from Marco Bailey to release on his MB Elektronics imprint. The first track released ''Break point'' was already a success as it enetered immediately in the Beatport top 100 techno chart. The second release named ''Borik'' gained also a solid support from many known artists.
After a big start of his production career his work is now focused into making more music , and the plans are to release more quality productions on respected labels!

::: DENY DOOM :::
(Sub Cult, Prozak Rec.,Music Sphere)

FB link: www.facebook.com/denydoomdj
SC link: www.soundcloud.com/denydoom

::: BRLEE :::
(Tested, Overload)

FB link: www.facebook.com/brleedj
SC link: https://soundcloud.com/dj-brlee

::: DEYCO :::
(CreatorsWorld Rec.,FutureDisco)

FB link: www.facebook.com/deyco.si?fref=ts
SC link: https://soundcloud.com/deyco-production

(Abracadabra rec.,2manymore)

FB link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/LittleOne/276204882401996
SC link: https://soundcloud.com/djanelittleone




Entrance/Vstopnina: 5eur

- twomanymore@gmail.com