At the end of the day we share new ideas, tell our stories and we become part of something bigger than our daily routine. The big picture becomes clearer, when we participate with those, whose
thoughts are jumping to carefree evening pleasure. New acquaintances and friendships are made, because society is created within the nightlife. The first Skyscraper of Ljubljana which has the mix of old architecture and new esthetics is making new guidelines of nightlife. For all music lovers and enthusiastics of esthetics we will provide the right ambient, by carefully chosen music selection, which can be heard and sang only on the Skyscraper.
Vabljeni, da se nam pridružite na Diamond Karaoke Club večerih na Nebotičniku. Edinstveni večeri, popestreni s strani Diamantk ter seveda Karaoke ambienta, bodo potekali vsak petek in soboto. Si drznete biti del te ekstaze, del nečesa drugačnega in edinstvenega?
#Karaoke club
#Vrhunski ambient
#Edinstven razgled
#Neskončni užitek ter razvajanje
Prepustite se nam in dovolite, da Vas odpeljemo drugam. In ne pozabite; The hardest thing about the karaoke experience is waiting your turn!
Info & rezervacije:
+386 40 792 800