Po krajšem poletnem premoru, se zopet vračamo! Črna senzacija je sinonim za epsko glasbeno norijo preko TECHNO ritmov do hudo trdih HARD TECHNO užitkov. V preteklosti smo gostili same svetovne zvezde hard-techna kot so Fatima Hajji, Marco Remus, Frank Kvitta, O.B.I ter Fernanda Martins! Tokrat vam pripravljamo poslastico za oči in ušesa:
Grmenje se približuje. Utrip se povišuje. Glasbena nevihta bo 18. oktobra preplavila najbolj extremne stene Kranja z odisejado od techna do hardtechna.
Mlada brazilska hardtechno lepotica bo pokazala, kako se stvarem streže v največjih klubih sveta. Pri tem ji bodo pomagali neutrudljivi, odporni, občasno utrgani in v vseh pogledih extremni DJi:
•• GUMJA // Techsturbation Rec
•• NUMAREX // Loga - tech
•• JURE DIMC // Extreme
•• LILSON // Techno Piknik, Techsturbation
Vstopnina/entrance fee: 7 EUR
Zdravstveno opozorilo: obisk dogodka odsvetujemo ljudem s šibkim srcem. Pokanje bo brutalno, neusmiljeno in nepozabno.
CANDY COX: Candy Cox is a brazilian dj born in Curitiba, Brazil. Since she was very young, she got interested in all kind of music, from classic to “gabba”. In 1999 she discovered techno and fell in love with it. Learning basic tricks form her friend Dj Bad, she developed her artist way. Her powerful sets, full of energy and clever mixes, made her a well known dj in a short period of time. In 2006 she was invited by Marcos Remus to join Stereo 70 and Nerven Records roster and in October 2007 she did her first european tour. In March 2008, she came back to Europe for second time with a huge success. In 2009 she brought her 3rd european tour and her 4th tour in South America, both with a great success, according to her experience. During her career she has been spining in countries like Portugal, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Venezuela... and in prestigious festivals around the world such as Dance Valley (Netherlands), Apokalypsa (Czech Republic) or Montagood (Spain) with the pleasure of closing this last one.
In 2010 she joined her friend Fernanda Martins to start a new project: Pink Noise. With their 4 decks project they also started their own label: Pink About It!. It has released various ep’s this last year. Nowadays, and with help of her experience, Candy is an important part of hard techno scene thank’s to her hard work and her passion for electronic music.