Electronic Vagabundos Vol. 3

Mikk, Murska Sobota, Slovenia

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Pomurska electronic beatzz konekcija v jesenski obliki predstavlja techno & tech-house 

Dnevi se krajšajo, noči se daljšajo zatorej je nadvse primeren čas, da se snidemo, se razgibamo ! izmenjamo mnenja in izkušnje ter kar je najpomembneje ! da se naplešemo ob techno/tech-house beatih, ki Vas bodo popeljali na potovanje po različnih precepcijah elektronske glasbe.

Spekter glasbe se bo zvijal & tripal po percepcijah DJ-ev kateri so si nabrali izkušnje v različnih predorih in podvozih underground elektronike ter njenih običajno spremenljivih smereh. Tokrat kot gostja nastopa mlada DJ-ka iz soseščine,ki se bo prvič predstavila zahtevni publiki v pokrajini ob Muri.

V jesenski ediciji bodo poskrbeli za širitev Vaših glasbenih obzorij naslednji artisti :

--- Bibi b. aka Das Schuma Orchester---

is the imaginary personification of my obsession with sound-design for both dancing and living alike. Manifesting in a multitude of performances, my sound has been described as Deep Tech house or experimental house.

--- Jaqueline Frühwirth ---

is 20 years old and was born in the backwood of Styria. Already in her early years, she discovered her passion for music. So she decided not just to listen to it, she wanted to go behind the decks and make her own beats. After showing her talent in a djane contest in a club, she started her difficult way through small unpaid gigs. She played at O´Club, Bur, Urban art Forms for "Tanz der Molekühle" etc. Her style is individual based on Techno and Techhouse.

--- BlueBoy ---

Starting in year 2006 to swimming in the musical pooles he made his first turnovers & with collecting gigs experiences become awared of how to flew with the tunes. So as a young perspective DJ he founds some influences & various decks tricks at the other djs & made his realization of electronic music world in a lot higher perspective. BlueBoy used to roll over beats at the Art Caffe (Murska Sobota) and therefore made a basis for his music expressions. Realy soon he founds himself in the world of the deep TechHouse.

--- Hack ---

Techno artist with 10 years of experience mixing vinyl & cds. Founder of the group Underground Connections and organizer of many partys. After performing techno sounds for many years he switched to progressive house sounds for couple of years but now he starts a new era with live performance mixing minimal,tech-house,techno & deep progressive sounds together.