Innocent Music Showcase with PROUDLY PEOPLE

K4, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Innocent Music Showcase :: Emona Vice: Greed with PROUDLY PEOPLE (Innocent Music, Kosmophono, Kote Records :: Italy) :: 18.12.2013 :: Klub K4
Pri Innocent Music tokrat v Kleti pripravljamo sredino enosobno preganjanje grehov z italijanskim dvojcem Proudly People, ki na elektronsko glasbeno sceno prinašata odlično produkcijo. S svojo glasbo sta že prepričala velika imena kot so Shlomi Aber, SIS, Leon, ONNO, Chris Lattner, Nathan Coles, Gel Abril, Marco Faraone, East End Dubs, Yaya, Marc Antona in druge, da so jo zavrteli za svojo mešalno mizo. EP z naslovom Summer Fest, ki sta ga pripravila skupaj s Shaf House je druga najbolje prodajana izdaja pri naši založbi. Letos poleti sta se, tako kot Aney F., vrnila iz Ibize kjer sta v razvpitem klubu Sankeys nabrala svežo inspiracijo za serviranje house ritmov. Na lineup se bo pridužil tudi Manuel Petrik, promotor znamke Superdrive. Plesišče bo ogrel Uno Taman, Aney F. in Matt Keyl pa bosta poskrbela, da bo ogreto tudi ostalo.
What needs we have to satisfy to be happy? When is enough, enough?  What does it mean to be happy? Everyone can answer these questions, but just the few lucky ones have the right answer. Today we live in the consumer society where there is little place for quality or tradition because marketing took over. Marketing is an illusion that tricks people into believing they need something new to satisfy their needs. This is one hell of a fuel for those who pull the strings of big enterprises and when we talk about them we enter a grey area of success and greed. In this area lies the answer to previous questions and searching for it drives you to the edge of crazy. We, Innocent Music do not believe in marketing. We believe in music and there is no place for greed here. It works for some but the people who see or better said - hear the difference are the lucky ones with the Answer.
♫ Proudly People
(Innocent Music, Kosmophono :: Italy)
♫ Aney F. 
(Innocent Music, Moan, Inmotion :: Slovenia) 
♫ Matt Keyl
(Innocent Music, Kling Klong, Inmotion :: Italy)
♫ Manuel Petrik
(Superdrive :: Austria)
♫ Uno Taman
(Innocent Music :: Slovenia)
- 4€ do polnoči
- 6€ po polnoči 
.:: INFO
Start 22.00
End 04.00