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Po odlični atmosferi, fascinantni glasbi ter navdušenem odzivu publike se iz globočine Bazena vračata vaši dve priljubljeni techno ekipi Techno Piknik & Night Activities s tretjo edicijo zdaj že uveljavljenega party koncepta-Revelations. Z magično številko 3 vam bomo na podzemni in podvodni način pričarali še bolj zabavno izkušnjo na dveh prizoriščih z zvezdama sodobnega techna, Nemcem Torsten Kanzlerjem, ki žanje svetovne uspehe s pravkar izdanim novim albumom N8rider in je član kultnih založb kot so TK in Killaz records, ter temperamentnim Špancem, ki je s svojimi dinamičnimi seti na treh deckih vedno pretresel plesišča do temeljev-Horacio Cruzom (med drugim tudi lastnik Tech On založbe).
Na manjšem flooru bomo tokrat zaplavali v progressive ritmih z znano legendo mediteranskih voda-Lemonom (včasih poznan kot Crazy Lemon). Pri vodni ekspediciji po grebenih in arhipelagih od zimzelenih skladb do sodobne progresive mu bosta asistirala vzpenjajoči se GmT (Bonzai) ter stari maček plesišč-Floater.
Pred potopom zajemite globoko sapo!
Following the great atmosphere, fascinating music and exciting feedback from the audience, your favourite techno crews Techno Picnic & Night Activities are back from the depth of the Pool (Bazen) with the third installment of now already established party concept-Revelations.
Magic number 3 will bring you a submerged underground and fun experience on two floors with stars of contemporary techno, German Torsten Kanzler, who is gaining worldwide success with his brand new album N8rider and is a member of cult labels like TK and Killaz records, and fiery Spaniard, who always shakes the foundations of the dance floors with his dynamic sets on three decks-Horacio Cruz (also an owner of Tech On records).
On the smaller floor we will swim in progressive tides&beats with a well acclaimed legend of the Mediterranean sea-Lemon (once known as Crazy Lemon). His water expedition over the reefs and archipelagos will be accompanied with the ever rising GmT (Bonzai records) and dance floor favourite, Floater.