Goodlife, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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All These Goldies se predstavlja na ekskluzivni lokaciji. V središču mesta, pod zvezdami, na najvišji točki Ljubljane. Klub Goodlife, ki se nahaja na Ljubljanskem gradu v Skalni dvorani je "The spot to be"! Predstavljamo vam zvezdo, ki bo za gramofoni poskrbela za odlične ritme in vas popeljala na nepozabno potovanje. Paolo Barbato, bo osrečil vaša ušesa z največjimi house hiti vseh časov.



Paolo Barbato je sinonim za house glasbo. Za glasbo živi od leta 1984, ko je osvojil prvo nagrado na DJ tekmovanju in si tako utrl pot iz manjših lokalnih klubov v najprestižnejše evropske prestolnice klubske glasbe. Pacha v Sharm el Sheik je ena iz med njih. Nastopanje z zvezdami kot so Basement Jaxx, Sander Kleinberg in Kenny Carpenter, mu je dalo dodatno motivacijo za produkcijo. V desetih leti dela v svoji prodajalni plošč pa je zapolnil torbe z vinilkami mnogim DJ-em po Italiji, Sloveniji, Hrvaški in Avstriji. Studijska dela pa so bila izdana pri založbah kot so Warner, Universal, Crystal in Global Underground, nastopal pa je že pred 10.000 glavo množico. Njegov talent in stil sta vsem poznana. MTV pa ga je označil kot najbolj talentiranega Dj-a in producenta na house sceni. 

All These Goldies found its way home. In the heart of the city, under the stars, Ljubljana's highest point is "the spot to be". The Goodlife Castle Lounge Club, housed in Ljubljana Castle's Rock Chamber, is all about you feeling good. We present you our next star who will spin turntables for you and take you to a journey like never before. Paolo Barbato will make your ear drums happy with biggest house hits of all time.

Paolo Barbato is the reference point for anyone who have something to do with house music in the extreme north-east of Italy. He lives for the music since 1984, when he won the acclaimed "Dj Competition" prize, the starting point for an extremely brilliant career, from the small local clubs to the Europe's most prestigious dj-booths, Sharm el Sheikh's Pacha is just one of them. Sharing the decks with people like Basement Jaxx, Sander Kleinberg and Kenny Carpenter gave him the right inspiration to produce music by himself, even with the ten years experience of his record shop that filled a thousand dj-cases around Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria. His studio works are issued through labels as Warner, Universal, Crystal and Global Underground, even Irma Records asked him to compile an exclusive and limited compilation for Illy. Recently he joined the Ramirez Live Project, which carried him and Elvio Moratto playing in Glasgow in front of 10.000 people. His stile and talent it's not a mystery. Mtv quote him as one of the most talented dj/producers of the entire scene.


♫ +special guest ♫


Karte v predprodaji: 10€ (velja za 2 osebi)
Karte na vhodu: 10€

Presale tickets: 10€ (counts for 2 people)
Entrance tickets: 10€

- Welcome drink
- Special performance