GR Events presents Innocent Music Showcase with LIVIO & ROBY (Desolat - Bucharest, Romania)

Gospodarsko razstavišče, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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27.12.2014 - GR Events presents Innocent Music Showcase with LIVIO & ROBY (Desolat - Bucharest, Romania) - Gospodarsko Razstavišče (stebrna - grafitna dvorana), Ljubljana, Slovenia

GR EVENTS in Innocent Music ekipa ponovno združujeta svojo energijo in vam pripravljata nočno pozibavanje s prav posebnima gostoma, ki se bosta v Sloveniji predstavila prvič! Producenta Livio & Roby prihajata iz Romunije, države iz katere izvirajo najboljši sadeži sodobne deep house glasbe. Njuno ime ne odmeva le po našem domačem kontinentu, temveč tudi onkraj luže. Delo glasbenega dvojca je prepričalo ene izmed najboljših založb kot so Desolat, VIVa, Cecille, Moon Harbour, Get Physical, itd. Poleg njiju bosta 27. decembra v Stebrni dvorani na Gospodarskem razstavišču v Ljubljani nastopila tudi naša dva rezidentaAney F. in Uno Taman, pridružila pa se bosta tudi Damir & Djunior iz domačega kolektiva Intosomething. Innocent Music ekipa s tem v prihajajočem letu napoveduje novo serijo dogodkov na Gospodarskem razstavišču. Ob enem se zahvaljujemo vsem našim podpornikom, da imamo za sabo še eno uspešno leto delovanja in vam v ta namen pripravljamo dogodek s posebno akcijo pri nakupu vstopnic.


♫ LIVIO & ROBY - First time in Slovenia!
(Desolat, Moon Harbour, Cecille, VIVa Music :: Romania)

♫ ANEY F. 
(Innocent Music, Wiggle, Inmotion, Moan :: Slovenia)

(Intosomething :: Slovenia)

(Innocent Music :: Slovenia)


- Predprodaja / Presale:

- 6€ za / for (1 osebo - 1 person) ali / or 9€ za / for (2 osebi - 2 persons) pri Innocent Music Ambasadorjih 

(od 19.12.2014 do 26.12.2014)

- Na dan dogodka / On the day of event:

- 9€ za / for (1 osebo - 1 person) ali / or 12€ za / for (2 osebi - 2 persons)

+ vsi ki bodo kupili vstopnice, bodo deležni 50% popusta pri nakupu vstopnice za novoletno 12-urno nedolžno rajanje 31.12 v ljubljanskem F club-u!

Innocent Music Ambassadors:

Omar (Ljubljana) - 040592618
Kim (Ljubljana) - 070556613
Petra (Celje) - 041262047
Matjaž (Novo mesto) - 040144001
Damir (Izola) - 031670527 
Biba (Maribor) - 068168868
Symon (Sevnica) - 040452397
Tjaša (Ljubljana - Nova Gorica) - 041605146
Daša (Nova Gorica) - 040146636

ali v Limittted Sneaker Boutique, Mestni trg 24, LJ



Gospodarsko Razstavišče, Dunajska cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

.:: INFO

- start 23.00 
- end 06.00
+uraden afterparty :: :: 


Deep in the Romanian wilderness, beyond the foggy wastelands and the drab greyness of the metropolitan district you can find the base of two musical wizards who invoke the spirit of the past to transmit a very modern interpretation of their nation's musical traditions. 

They are known as Livio & Roby and they have been putting their own supernatural twist on house and techno for the past 10 years. Their connection with the global electronic music movement has been channeled via highly influential outlets such as Desolat, VIVa, Saved and Fumakilla. While their physical presence has been felt in a myriad of venues from Buenos Aires to Detroit, and across much of Europe. From dynamic DJ sets and innovative live performances to album projects and a constant flow of cutting edge, dancefloor-based productions the duo remain one of their nation's leading lights in the field.

Livio & Roby were born from the weeping souls of their ancestors, men and women who lived through centuries of struggle, from the poverty of the Middle Ages to the Communist rule that only recently lost its grip on the nation. It was only through the determination of a small percentage of brave individuals that it was still possible to hear music from overseas, in the most clandestine of situations – the true meaning of underground. Music found its way, against all odds.

Romania's spirit is evident in all aspects of their music; The tribal rhythms penetrate your psyche, the organic instrumentation lifts your spirit; flutes and vocals combine with delicate chimes, while groovy basslines and solemn melodies create a magical concoction. It's a formula that caught the ears of their early supporters, Steve Lawler signed them up to VIVa Music and Berlin stalwart Woody introduced them to the city's music scene via his highly-respected Fumakilla label. 

These early connections helped to spread Livio & Roby's unique blueprint throughout Europe, enchanting more and more influential figures. Next to fall under their spell was Loco Dice, who signed them to his Artist Alife agency and promptly released the seminal 'Mistique' – a track created in collaboration with the third member of this spellbinding outfit, George G, with whom they form Premiesku. Just like their unique partnership, Premiesku operates within its own confines – their live show is built around hardware that has been customised and reconfigured for their own use, without any computers involved. This gives them total freedom in their performances and allows them to express their own distinctive style.

Thanks to the consistenly high quality of their output, Livio & Roby have been in constant demand around the globe, sharing the spirit of Romania with the clientele of clubs and festivals across North and South America, Europe and further afield. Today, their endless travels continue, as does their entrancing musical output, from EPs with labels such as Vakant and Cecille Numbers through to their debut Premiesku album, 'Indirect', which came via Desolat.

2014 will see further adventures around the planet, Premiesku reform with new music and hit the road with their dazzling live act. Livio & Roby release their own album marking the next stage in their careers and the story continues as the duo continue to innovate and carry on the legacy of their ancestors...