It’s been a successful year for the Bass Warz team and our guests, with 27 radio shows that featured 23 different DJ visits from 5 different countries and a lot of good vibes. Now it’s time to celebrate!
Join the Dark Side and enter Ljubljana’s newest underground venue – club Zoo, on Friday the 13th of February 2015.
London’s Mindstep label will provide us with our main guest; Crises, who promises a massive set that won’t leave you indifferent. You can catch his Mindstep Radio Show on Sub FM (www.sub.fm) every Sunday from 17.00 to 19.00. Support will be provided by SapLeo from Zagreb’s Volume events and the local DVS, Mokito and Dubdiggerz.
Expect live video & sound streaming + several interactive prize games featuring Fatal Sounds and Bass Warz merchandise.
Big up, see you soon and don’t forget to tune in this year!
Crises (MindStep, UK)
Sap Leo (Volumen, CRO)
Mokito (Area Zero)
DubDiggerz (Bass Warz)
Location: Club ZOO, Ljubljana
Supported by Jägermeister, Ziggi Rolling Papers & BassPass Blog.