DANAJA (Drumwise)
DAMARIS (Female's'cream)
THEEJAY (Modular Carnage)
SYN'TAXX (Trusted Sounds)
WUBSONIK (Trusted Sounds)
SPENCER (Bass Fighters)
- Video wall
- Strobo show
- nizke cene pijač
Čas odpiranja:
petek, 20.2.2015, 21.00
Orto bar, Ljubljana
4€ < 24.00 > 5€
Drum’n'bass je za DJ-ko, komponistko in vokalistko Damaris Potočnik glavna jed, ki je sestavljena iz sestavin, kot so funk, soul, reggae, hip hop, swing, bossa nova, jazz; zvok z lomljenimi ritmi in nizkimi frekvencami. Najraje jo pripravi za mešalko in za gramofoni, išče pa tudi nove recepte pri pripravljanju novih produkcijskih poslastic od klasičnega orkestra, afriške glasbe in soula. Svoje elektronske specialitete je predstavila na lanskem festivalu Lent, v Udarniku, na festivalu Magdalena, Pri Zelenem zajcu, v klubu k4, na Metelkovi, v Monoklu, v Hiški v Pekarni, v Yagababi na Koroškem, na Bass Campu … Na glasbeni šoli B.A.S.E. v Ljubljani poučuje klavir in glasbeno teorijo, je članica Female’s'cream, sodeluje kot vokalistka v soul-funk zasedbi Soul Funked Up in v afriškem zboru Sankofa ter končuje študij kompozicije in glasbene teorije na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani.
Brought to life of music at the age of 13, playing bass guitar in three local (Slovenia, Maribor) local HC Punk bands. A year after the last group he played in disbanded he was introduced to the world of rolling amens and basslines. Now on production learning curve since 2010, providing bass music on his regions dancefloor since 2011.
The creator and host of “H-Times, monthly bass music event that goes on in his hometown since 2011. Shuffling through all subgenres of d’n’b, from ragga, through jump up all the way to dark, deep rollers & pure neurofunk. Picked up by Modular Carnage Recordings for guest mix and later on for his second release.
Syn'taxx had his first contact with electronic music at the age of 12. He grow up with fast and hard sounds of Hardcore. Some years later he got his first touch of Djing with cd players, at that time he decided to buy his first equipment (mixer and turntables, from which he still plays today) and started to learn the art of spinning in rhythms of techno, which he later rapleced with hardtechno. With producers like Tieum, Stormtroooper, Satronica, Delta9 and Lenny Dee he finally found his style – a unique mix of industrial and hardcore. In between he discovered drum'n'bass music, which he started to play in his mixes, combined with industrial and hardcore. But he wanted something more and got his insipiration in The outside agency and he started to spin drum'n'bass separeted from hardcore, combined with industrial sounds. Today he has a crush for Industrial Hardcore and Industrial drum'n'bass. Both styles are for him unique way to make people dance.