Štuk, Maribor, Slovenia

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Like an exotic flower SHE's an oustanding example,
SHE's natural beatuy without synthetic pretenses
SHE's a spirit that does not see herself as better than

SHE possesses dignity and grace
SHE has no need to place others under her feet
SHE's humbled, quiet and meek
SHE's everything you need


V okviru dneva žena, prirejamo dogodek, izključno s samo ženskimi predstavnicami elektronske glasbe.
Predstavile se vam bodo talentirane DJ-ke s svojevrstnim stilom in nastopom. Tokrat bomo tudi prvič v Sloveniji gostili izjemno DJ-ko iz Barcelone - NAARA!!!

It's time for the Ladies, to rise above!!!

DJ's :

**** NAARA (Spain) ****
// Funktional Grooves //

Kariero Dj-ke je pričela leta 2012 s tedensko rezidenco v Terramar Beach Club Sitges, kjer so njeni nastopi hitro postali zelo odmevni v tem območju. Njena brilijantna kariera jo je pripeljala do nastopov v vsem dobro znanih klubov v Barceloni, kot so PACHA, Sweet PACHA,Prive Club, Alberto Beach Club, Nube Sky Bar, Vivero BeachClub, Galaxy, Sunset Ashram IBIZA......
Čez poletje 2014 je bila rezident DJ na IBIZA MAGIC BOAT PARTY, kjer je nastopala z internacionalnimi DJ imeni kot so : David Moreno & Toni Moreno (IbizaGlobal Radio), Albert Marzinotto, Miguel Depaack (Cream Couture), Dj Brlee (Slovenjia), Kareem Da_Li(Slovenija), Joshel (Bonobo Concept),Lorenzo Calvio (MoodMusic).
Prav tako je voditeljica radijske oddaje bloop. London: Sundays Trenutno je rezident DJ v OMM CLUB - Hotel Omm Barcelona, kjer organizira Fever Nights skupaj z Gigi Mcfarlane (vokalistka) ter Artem/Guim (sax).

Naravno eleganco ter kvalitetni zvok Naara uporablja v kombinaciji z definirano tehniko in unikatnim občutkom za glasbo, kar naredi njene mikse energične in polne življenja. Naara je neverejtno karizmatična artistka z naravnim talentom in močnim groovom. Sedaj tudi prvič v Sloveniji!!!!!
Naara began her career as a DJ in 2012, with a weekly residence in Terramar Beach Club Sitges.Instantly, these sessions were the talk of the town and Dj Naara became one of the most sought after DJs in the area.Her brilliant career has brought her to DJing in well known places in Barcelona, such as PACHA, Sweet Pacha, Prive Club, Alberto Beach Club, Nube Sky Bar, Vivero BeachClub, Galaxy, Sunset Ashram IBIZA... as well as sharing the booth in Km5 IBIZA with Monica M in her famous Lady’s Soul party. During summer 2014 she was the resident Dj in the IBIZA MAGIC BOAT PARTY where she shared the booth with International Djs such as David Moreno & Toni Moreno (IbizaGlobal Radio), Albert Marzinotto, Miguel Depaack (Cream Couture),
Dj Brlee (Slovenjia), Kareem Da_Li(Slovenija), Joshel (Bonobo Concept),Lorenzo Calvio (MoodMusic), 

She has a weekly radio show on bloop. London: Sundays
Currently she is the resident Dj at OMM CLUB - Hotel Omm Barcelona where she organizes the "Fever Nights" playing together with Gigi McFarlane (vocalist) and Artem/Guim (saxo) 

Her natural elegance, the sound quality she uses all combined with a refined technique and unique way of feeling the electronic music, make her sets full of energy and life. Naara is an incredibly charismatic artist with a natural gift and a serious groove! Now for the first time she's visiting Slovenia!!!


**** DIJANA KOBER (Croatia) ****

Mlada, perspektivna DJ-ka, ki je v zelo kratkem času očarala občinstvo in kritike. Z elektronsko glasbo se je pričela ukvarjati leta 2012, od takrat naprej se njeni nastopi vrstijo drug za drugim po celotni Hrvaški in Sloveniji, pred kratkim pa je začela z nastopi tudi po Evropi ( Velika Britanija, Češka, Švedska). Udeleževala se je tudi radijskih nastopov kot so Radio Zelina (House Tuner), Radio Liberum, Mojradio (Slovenia), Juice Radio UK,, Tempo-Radio (Mexico), Proton Radio, Balance FM ter mnogo več....
V letu 2014 je postala rezident DJ v Underground F - Clubu ( Zagreb ), kjer je občinstvo navdušila predvsem z kvaliteto ter postala neizmenljivi člen njihovih after zabav. Kasneje to leto so jo sprejeli v ekipo FSOZ in si s tem pridobila možnost nastopov Future Sound of Zagreb 2014, 15-ta obletnica, ki je eden izmed večjih festivalov v Zagrebu. Sedaj je ena izmed rezident DJ-ev v slavnem Zagrebškem underground klubu GJURO 2 v izvedbi programa Ecstatic Sound. Njen stil glasbe zajema Deep Tech and Dark Techno.
A young and perspective DJ who is in a short time captivated audiences and critics. She began work with electronic music in 2012. Since then she rows performances one after the other throughout Croatia and Slovenia, and recently she began counting performances across the Europe (UK, Czech Republic, Swiss). She has performed on radio stations such as Radio Zelina (House Tuner), Radio Liberum, Mojradio (Slovenia), Juice Radio UK,, Tempo-Radio (Mexico), Proton Radio, Balance FM and many more... In 2014 became a resident DJ at Underground F Club (Zagreb) where the audience recognizes her quality and also became required on the after parties. Later the same year, she was admitted to the FSOZ team, and had the opportunity to perform at the Future Sound of Zagreb 2014 - "15th Anniversary", one of the biggest festivals in Zagreb. Now she is one of the residents in famous Zagreb underground club Gjuro 2 on party program Ecstatic Sound. Her style of sets is based on Deep Tech and Dark Techno.

Facebook Fanpage:


Glasbena navdušenka je postala že v otroštvu, kjer je bil njen prvi stik z glasbo klavir. Skozi leta ukvarjanja z različnimi žanri in stili glasbe, si je Miss Denkowska razvila neverjeten občutek in smisel, kar jo je tudi privedlo do elektronske glasbe. Prvi nastop je imela v letu 2014 in odličen odziv je bil takojšenj. Pod okriljem Overloada, so se njeni nastopi vrstili drug za drugim po celotni Sloveniji in Hrvaški. Počasi, vendar vestno se je izpopolnjevala v stilu, tehniki in nastopu.
Unikatno, energično dekle, ki vas bo presentila s posebnim vintage, groovy zvokom, katere spremljajo močne bas linije ter odmevni vokalni vložki.
Zaradi močnega interesa celotne glasbene industrije, se sedaj preizkuša tudi na organizacijskem ter produkcijskem področju.
She became music enthusiast in her childhood, where her first contact with music was the piano. Through years of dealing with different genres and styles of music, miss D developed an amazing feeling and sense, which also led her to electronic music. 
Her first performance was in 2014 and an excellent response was instant. Under the auspices of Overload her performances started to appear one after another across Slovenija and Croatia. Slowly however diligently she developed in style, technique and performance.
Unique, energetic girl who you will be amazed with a special vintage, groovy sound which accompany strong bass lines and aclaimed vocal pieces. Due to the strong interest of the entire music industry she is now testing herself on organization and production area.


**** ANNYKA ****

Prvič se je v elektronsko glasbo zaljubila pred približno desetimi leti, ko se je udeležila "boat partya" pod organizacijsko taktirko INTOSOMETHING org. Na dogodku se je tudi prvič srečala z žanri kot so deep house ter deep tech house, katere tudi danes z vokalnimi dodatki, uporablja in izvaja v svojih setih. Nastopala je že v večjih klubih in eventih po Sloveniji, kot so Cirkus, klub Pržan, Cele club in še mnogo več.
First time she fell in love with music was about ten years ago, when she attended the boat party under INTOSOMETHING org. The event was also the first time she met with the genres such as deep house and deep tech house, which even today with vocal additions she applyes and implementes in her sests. She has allready performed in major clubs in Slovenia, such as Circus, club Pržan, Cele club and many more.


**** DUNJA ****
// Live guitar act //

Kitara je bila njena prva velika ljubezen. Obiskovala je glasbeno šolo, znanje pa si je nadgradila tudi na univerzi za glasbo na Dunaju. Premik iz klasične v elektronsko glasbo je naredila ko je spoznala dobrega prijatelja in prav tako DJ-a Wawdo, ki ji je pomagal pri samem prestopu, saj je princip izvedbe popolnoma drugačen kot pri elektronski glasbi. Navdušujejo jo predvsem melodija in ritem, obvlada in igra vse zvrsti glasbe, vendar je elektronska glasba našla prav poseben prostor v njenem srcu.
The guitar was her first great love. She attended music school, and knowledge was also upgraded at the University of Music in Vienna. The shift from traditional electronic music is made when she met a good friend and also a DJ Wawdo who helped her when crossing itself, because the principle of performance is completely different than electronic music. Particularly enthusiastic about the melody and rhythm, mastered and plays all kinds of music, but electronic music found a very special place in her heart.

------- more info coming soon-------------

2015-03-03 20:18:40

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