SECOND MUSIC ● The story of paradise w. MARKANTONIO

Cvetličarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Si želiš z nami na magično potovanje v raj? Naj ti zaupam zgodbo....

Pred davnimi časi, sta moški po imenu Adam in ženska po imenu Eva, brezskrbno živela v rajskem vrtu ter imela vsega v izobilju. Bilo jima je dovoljeno vse razen dveh stvari; nista se smela dotakniti drevesa spoznanja in nista smela utrgati sadež z njega. Kljub temu je kača zapeljala Evo, da je prva okusila sadež iz prepovedanega drevesa. Ker se je Eva ustrašila kazni, je pregovorila Adama, da je tudi on poskusil sadež. Greh je bil storjen. Stvarnik se je silno razjezil in oba kaznoval z izgonom iz Edena, rajskega vrta. Po hebrejskem izročilu sta bila Adam in Eva v Edenu svetlobni bitji, ki sta se svetili kot najčistejši biseri. Vsekakor gre za prispodobo o začetku človeštva in za mistično zgodbo, v katero bo ovita druga izdaja Second Music-a. Pridruži se nam v raju in ne pozabi, grešiti je človeško :)

● Zgodba o MARKANTONIO-u

Ime, ki ga v zadnjem času srečujemo na vseh največjih festivalih kot so Sonus, Awakening, Timewarp ter v klubih kot so Amnesia, Fabric, Elrow itd.... Markantonio je eden vodilnih DJ-jev mednarodne techno scene, je umetnik, ki vseskozi išče svež zvok. Njegovi začetki segajo v konec 90-ih let, ko je s kvalitetno glasbo fasciniral založbe Recycled Loops, Shake rec., Tortured, Conform, Superbra in si tako z uspešnimi izdajami zgradil prepoznavnost tudi izven meja evrope. Prihaja iz Italijanskega Napoli-ja, tako kot njegovi kolegi Sasha Carassi, Luigi Madonna in Joseph Capriati s katerimi je izdal skupen album "Napoli Connection". Njegova posebnost je vrtenje s treh plošč hkrati in močne, hitre spremembe zvoka v svojih ritmičnih setih. Užitek mu je sodelovanje z velikimi umetniki, kot so Rino Cerrone, Davide Squillace, Paco Osuna, Valentino Kanzyani, Cristian Varela, The Advent in mnogi drugi. Prav tako je lastnik založbe Analytic Trail, preko katere tudi sam kot artist raste in se razvija. Njegove komade je mogoče zaslediti na kompilacijah: "I Love Techno - Dance Club", "Essential Underground Vol. 09 "," U60311 Kompilacija Techno Division Vol. 5 ", " Amnesia Ibiza Sessions Vol 8 "," United DJs Vol.3. V zadnjem času dela na različnih projektih, eden zadnjih je tudi sodelovanje z Rino-m Cerrone-jem, s katerim sta ustvarila hit "Junction Hands", ki je bil izdan na največji svetovni techno založbi Drumcode.

Založbe: Drumcode, AnalyticTrail, MKT Rec


Do you want to join us on a magical journey to paradise? Let me tell you a story…

Once upon a time Adam and Eve lived merrily in the abundant Garden of Eden. Only two things were forbidden: Touching the Tree of Knowledge and picking its fruit. The serpent seduced Eve into tasting the forbidden fruit. Fearful of punishment, Eve convinced Adam to taste the fruit as well. The sin was committed. God was furious and expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew tradition describes Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as creatures of light, shining as bright as precious gems. This is an allegory of man's beginning and the mystic story that surrounds the second edition of Second Music. Join us in paradise, and remember: To sin is human :)

● The story of MARKANTONIO

Markantonio is one of the most leading and renewed djs of the International techno scene. So, in late 90’s Markantonio’s name spread around and enter the most exciting parties of Naples while record labels like Recycled Loops, Shake rec, Tortured, Conform, Superbra, get very fascinated by his tracks. One of his attitudes is the use of three decks together with his talent for a strong alteration of the sound in his rhythmic combinations, likewise, the ability to smooth down any melody element, through a clever use of the mixer.The pleasure of working with big artists like Rino Cerrone, Davide Squillace , Paco Osuna, Valentino Kanzyani, Cristian Varela, The Advent, Ignition Technician and many others. Thus, in 2001 Markantonio create Analytic Trail, his own record label through which he develops and enclose all his expanding potentia. Markantonio attends at many important festivals like Cramfield, Awakenings and the illustrious Electrobeach of Benidorm and his tracks appear on great success compilations such as “I Love Techno 3 - Dance Club”, “Essential Underground Vol. 09”, “U60311 Compilation Techno Division Vol. 5”, “Amnesia Ibiza Sessions Vol 8”, “United DJs Vol.3”. Recently, Markantonio has also carried out the project “Junction Hands” in collaboration with Rino Cerrone, as divertissement in several happenings. From this project has been created the namesake track released on Drumcode.

Labels: Drumcode, AnalyticTrail, MKT Rec

...:::: Main Room ::::...
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♫ LxS aka LEXIS




...:::: Privee Room ::::...
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...::::: Something u must see ::::...

( Holographic 3D video show )

..::::: Specials ::::...

- Stage design: by BRINA

- Saint & sinner dance performer group BIBA & MOJCA
- video projections
- laser show

..::::: Cooperators ::::...

- Cvetličarna
- Futura
- FutureDisco
- Innocent Music
- ThinkGreen
- Sound Advisor

..::::: Music ON / OFF ::::...

Music ON - 23.00h
Music OFF - 06.00h

..::::: Official after party @ F club ::::..

After players:
Ian Green
ᴰᴶ GT
Mike Hennessy

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/ Pre-sale / Predprodaja: 10 eur
/ Day of the event / na dan dogodka: 12 eur
/ Pre-sale locations, Petrol, Big Bang,.. /
/ Lokacije predprodaje, Petrol, Big Bang,.. /

...::: Media :::...

PartyInfo -
Karantanija -