Monika Kruse at RELOAD 10 YEARS

Monika Kruse at RELOAD 10 YEARS

Marco Polo

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, Nova Gorica,

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Saturday, 22/4 * 23.00 @ Marco Polo, Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Ko je ekipa Reload pod taktirko Damirja Hoffmana leta 2007 zagnala serijo Reload, je to storila z ambicijo predstavljanja svežih artistov in zvoka, ki poganja svetovne tehno arene. Koncept rednih mesečnih druženj s skrbno izbranimi didžeji in live acti v odličnem ambientu, opremljenim z vrhunsko zvočno in vizualno produkcijo, se je hitro uveljavil in že po nekaj letih se je težišče domače tehno scene premaknilo v Novo Gorico. Tako je Reload postal stalnica klubske ponudbe na obeh straneh meje.

Med gosti, ki so zaznamovali prvih sto zabav velja izpostaviti imena, kot so Joseph Capriati (ita), Dubfire (zda), Adam Beyer (šve), Paco Osuna (špa), Chris Liebing (nem), Matador (irs), Len Faki (nem), Gaiser (nem), Paul Ritch (fra), Sam Paganini (ita), Dave Clarke (vb), Cristian Varela (špa), Marco Bailey (bel), Gary Beck (vb), Speedy J (niz), Alan Fitzpatrick (vb), Ilario Alicante (ita) Carlo Lio (bra), Coyu (esp), Ida Engberg (šve), Luigi Madonna (ita), Secret Cinema live (niz), Markantonio (ita), Dustin Zahn (nem), Rino Cerrone (ita), Marko Nastic (srb) in številni drugi ...

Izbira nosilke programa ob desetletnici Reloada ni naključna. Monika je prekaljena didžejka, producentka ter vodja vplivnih založb Electric Avenue in Terminal M, ki že od začetka 90. let pomembno sooblikuje podobo bavarske, nemške in širše evropske elektronske scene. Če je včasih po bunkerjih, zapuščenih stavbah in tramvajih gostila nelegalne rejve, danes redno nastopa tako v razpitem Berghainu kot na najbolj vročih ibiških rezidencah (Space s Coxom, Amnesia s Carolo in Sankeys) ter vodilnih tehno festivalih (Time Warp, Melt, Ultra Miami, Sonus, Awakenings, Tomorrowland). 

Je ena redkih klasično glasbeno izobraženih didžejk prve generacije, z okusom, ki se izširi tudi v funk, soul in hip hop. »Moj pristop k muziki je garanje z nasmehom. Publiki dajem ljubezen in ona mi jo vrača. Ljubezen je najboljša stvar na svetu. Moj cilj pa je, da ljudje na plesišču pozabijo na skrbi in doživijo majhne počitnice ko se izgubijo v glasbi.« Monika pa je tudi družbena aktivistka, ki se bori proti rasizmu in homofobiji: »Absurdno je, da ljudi danes še vedno pretepajo in ubijajo, ker so geji ter da jih zlorabljajo zaradi barve kože, spola ali pa ker so begunci. Moramo pokazati, da nam ni vseeno in z lastnimi dejanji spreminjati svet na boljše.«


In spring 2007 Damir Hoffman created Reload, a new monthly residency at club Marco Polo in Nova Gorica, with an ambition to promote fresh techno and artists who are on the forefront of the scene. 

Their concept of carefully produced all-nighters, fine-tuned with top of the line sound, light and visual effects, while headlined by DJs and live acts, who are setting pace of world’s greatest electronic arenas, quickly became success. They turn out to be a focal point of Slovenian techno scene and a regular playground of artists and music lovers from both sides of Italian-Slovenian borders offering world-class entertainment.

The sound of Reload parties is mostly defined by DJ and the mastermind behind the project, Damir Hoffman, his resident DJs and artist from the region, at the same time giving audience opportunity to dance with heavyweight DJs and emerging international talents, such as Dubfire (USA), Adam Beyer (SWE), Paco Osuna (ESP), Chris Liebing (GER), Matador (IE), Joseph Capriati (ITA), Len Faki (GER), Gaiser (GER), Paul Ritch (FR), Alan Fitzpatrick (UK), Sam Paganini (ITA), Dave Clarke (UK), Cristian Varela (ESP), Marco Bailey (BEL), Gary Beck (UK), Speedy J (NL), Carlo Lio (BRA), Ida Engberg (SWE), Luigi Madonna (ITA), Secret Cinema live (NL), Redhead (BEL), Markantonio (ITA), Dustin Zahn (GER), Rino Cerrone (ITA), Marko Nastic (SRB) and many others ...

Headliner for Reload’s 10th Anniversary party was not picked up by chance. Monika is one of the most experienced female techno deejays and producers while she also cultivates Bavarian, German and international techno scene with her influential labels Electric Avenue and Terminal M since the beginning of the 90s. The memories of her infamous illegal raves hosted at II w. w. bunkers, trams and abandoned buildings are still vivid, but she came a long way since then. Today you can catch her at one of her shows at the infamous Berghain, hosting Boiler Room set, supporting Carl Cox and Marco Carola at their Ibiza residencies or promoting fresh techno sound on festivals such as Time Warp, Melt, Ultra, Sonus or Awakenings. 

Though her passion for spreading the love extends beyond the dancefloor. In 2000 she founded a charity called No Historical Backspin to fight racism and homophobia. “It’s sad and ridiculous that people still get beat up, or in some countries even killed, for being gay. Or get treated badly because of their skin colour, or gender, or because they’re a refugee” she says. “But it happens. Sharing and caring is the only way to make the world a safe place for everyone. It is important for DJs to show they respect everyone.” She is currently organising a No Historical Backspin party at Berghain. Funds raised will go to Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, which supports victims of hate-crimes and campaigns against right-wing extremism.

>> LINE UP <<

Terminal M / GER

Reload, MB Elektronics

Stick recordings, Jumpstereo


Reload, Chemical Beats, Reload records


Starostna omeitev / Limite di eta' / Age limit 18+

Predprodaja: 20 EUR

Eventim, Petrol, Kompas, Big Bang, Posta Slovenije