Spartaque - Future Sound Of Yucatan

Spartaque - Future Sound Of Yucatan


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, Šentilj,

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On Saturday, 14.10.2017, as part of electronic events Future sound of Yucatan in discoteque Yucatan, Šentilj (in Slovenske Gorice) close to the second biggest Slovenian town Maribor and international border (with Austria) Šentilj, 55 kilometers far away from Graz, 130 kilometers from Zagreb,140 kilometers from Ljubljana, 240 kilometers from Vienna and 340 kilometers from Budapest, will be held an event for all lovers of electronic music, especially for lovers of techno genre. We will guest one of the fastes rising and wandet DJs and producers in the world from Ukriane: Spartaque.


Ukrainian DJ and Producer Spartaque has become a name known for raw quality on the international techno landscape. He’s been at it for many years, but got his first break in 2007 DJing at Ukraine’s Global Gathering festival, and has continued with this festival every year since. He has added other vital performances to his resume by performing at Love Parade, Kazantip, Mayday, and others. Spartaque supplements these performances and maintains the momentum by way of his award-winning Supreme podcast, in addition to numerous guest mixes on other podcasts and radio shows.
Spartaque started out in his teenage years composing and producing dance music, finally realizing as a young adult the lucrative skill of DJing his works. His first piece to release was on a Virus Music album in 2005. A decade later, he now has over 300 released tracks on many labels. His arsenal includes both original works and remixes for some of the top artists around the world.
Maintaining balance between industry and artisanship, Spartaque has played a key role in the creation and development of several record labels, IAMT being the most highly regarded in the world of techno music. He has been nominated and awarded for his many achievements in the past decade, proving that ever since his modest start in 2005, he has become an influential artist in the world of techno.

Beside our headliner we will guest Slovenian DJs from Second Music organization. All of them have a long years of experience of playing all around Slovenia from small clubs to big festivals as for example Eco Festival. As promotors they have guest DJs like Uto Karem, Eric Sneo, Alexander Kowalski, Axel Karakasis ...



After he fall in love with electronic music years ago and once started to visit music events all around Slovenia he bought himself professional studio equipment and also equipment for DJing. His passion was techno, so after improving his skills in playing on the DJ equipments, he decide to express all his life experience and creativity through feelings into the production of techno music. Since then his production was always included in his sets played in front of wide audience and accepted by their side with positive feedback. Not so long time ago he and his friends decide to start organize their own events under the music organization named Second Music. His inspiration for production in the past, present and the future are Adam Beyer, Len Faki, Luciano, Joseph Capriati, Gary Beck, Pan-Pot, Alan Fitzpatrick, Slam, Drumcode, Soma, Intec, Figure, Cadenza, Coocon, Arpiar ...


Gregor Stiker is a producer and a DJ from Slovenia. His first steps were through progressive house, later he turned his way and started to walk on a techno path. His sets are always interesting, as he makes a new story out of dark and twisted techno and progressive tracks. Right now, he's focused on production and spends most of his time in the studio.



Matt Time is a Slovenian based DJ and a producer. He started doing music back in 2013 when he was 21 years old and hasn’t stopped since. Matt was and is still influenced by Industrial Garage, Break, Jazz, Soul and Experimental electronic music and with this inspiration, he’s constantly and simultaneously working on new projects. His performance and productions create transcendent places in which people can lose themselves and dream.
He expresses his stories in the language of Techno, Minimal, Deep Tech and Ambient. In this period of time, Matt is evolving as a person as well as a musician and he’s searching for ways to make his music reincarnate in a different but familiar sound that he is so passionate about.



Discoteque Yucatan was opened from 1996 till 2006 known as best place to spend quality nightlife in south east part of Slovenia. Because of the large area of discoteque itself with four different dance floors it has guest up to 3500 visitors and represent music genres as eurodance on Central floor, yugo pop rock on Cabrio terrace, latino on Hacienda and later commercial house on House of Oasis. Reputation of discoteque Yucatan in Slovenia and nextdoor country Austria was around year 2000 at the peak also because of the hard work of DJ Ice Simony – DJV (Deejay Voice) hosting live radio show Royal club with all new Italian eurodance hits on different locations all around second biggest Slovenian town Maribor throught Radio plus (later Radio Top) together with DJ Nick and DJ Aysha. At the time being discoteque Yucatan has host DJs like Gigi D`Agostiono, Prezioso Feat. Marvin, Eiffel 65, Gabry Ponte, Mollela, Erika ... and also most popular singers & music gropus from Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia.


Our vision is to invite all Slovenian DJs in electronic music in genres (as also in all subgenres of) trance, house, techno ... who are constantly seen with their performance on stages in Slovenian clubs and festivals and also the one who are on the beginning of their career and not presented or known to wider audience to cooperate with us in the future and give them a chance to be on the stage of Central floor in discoteque Yucatan.
Beside to give support to all of them in one way or another is our aim to guest biggest names in electronic music industry and offer to all »party people« from south east Slovenia and rest of it place with soul where they can finally enjoy best production in electronic music presented all around the world at biggest clubs and festivals.


Early bird (100 tickets): 8 EUR


V soboto, dne 14.10.2017, se bo v sklopu elektronskih dogodkov Future sound of Yucatan v discoteque Yucatan, Šentilj (v Slovenskih Goricah) pri Mariboru in v bližini mednarodnega mejnega prehoda (z Avstrijo) Šentilj, odvijal dogodek namenjen ljubiteljem elektronske glasbe, točneje iz zvrsti techna. Gostili bomo enega izmed najhitreje vzpenjajočih se in zaželjenih techno DJov in producentov na svetu iz Ukrajine; Spartaque.

Družbo s kvalitetno techno glasbo mu bodo delali še DJi iz glasbene organizacije Second Music, ki so v svoji dolgoletni karieri nastopali na klubskih odrih po celotni Sloveniji, prav tako pa na festivalih kot je npr. Eco Festival. Hkrati so kot organizatorji dogodkov gostili imena iz sveta techna, kot so Uto Karem, Eric Sneo, Alexander Kowalski, Axel Karakasis ...


Discoteque Yucatan se je odprla leta 1996 in od takrat dalje do leta 2006 bila znana kot ena izmed najbolj prepoznavnih za preživljanje nočnega časa v severo vzhodni Sloveniji. Zaradi velike površine s 4 plesišči je gostila tudi do 3500 obiskovalcev in predstavljala glasbene zvrsti kot eurodance na Centralnem delu, yugo pop rock na Cabrio terasi, latino na Haciendi in pozneje komercialni house na House of Oasis. Sloves discoteque Yucatan v Sloveniji in sosednji Avstriji je bil na vrhuncu okrog leta 2000, tudi zaradi trdega dela DJ Ice Simony – DJV (Deejay Voice), ko je gostil radijsko oddajo Royal club z najnovejšimi italijanskimi eurodance hiti na različnih lokacijah po Mariboru in direktnim prenosom na Radiu Plus (pozneje Radio Top) skupaj z DJ Nickom in DJ Aysho. V tem času je discotque Yucatan gostila DJe kot so Gigi D`Agostiono, Prezioso Feat. Marvin, Eiffel 65, Gabry Ponte, Mollela, Erika ... in najbolj popularne glasbenike & glasbene skupine iz Slovenije, Hrvaške in Srbije.


Naša vizija je povabiti slovenske DJe v elektronskih zvrsteh (kot tudi v njihovih podzvrsteh) trance, house, techno ..., ki so prisotni na odrih slovenskih klubov in festivalih kot tudi tiste, ki so šele na začetku njihove kariererne poti ter se še niso predstavili ali so znani širši javnosti, k sodelovanju v prihodnosti in jim nuditi možnost nastopa na Centralnem delu discoteque Yucatan.
Razen podpore slednjih v taksnem ali drugačnem smislu je naš cilj gostiti največja imena v svetu elektronske industrije in ponuditi vsem »žurerjem« iz severno vzhodnega dela oz. celotne Slovenije prostor z dušo kjer bodo končno lahko uživali najboljšo produkcijo v elektronski glasbi predstavljeno po vsem svetu v najvčjih klubih in festivalih.


Early bird (prvih 100 vstopnic): 8 EUR